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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • You can add it on your own.  In the theme-shortcodes.php you have to search the Blog Slider part and add  'orderby' => 'rand'. (functions/theme-shortcodes.php, line 1050):          $args = array(             'post_type' => 'testimonial', …
  • How or where I could add the code for the like button. I saw this code here: It is for the post loop in single.php, but where is it in the BeTheme? http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-facebook-like-button-in-wordpress/ <iframe src=&…
  • Sorry for the confusion. I made the changes, but it still not working. The scrolling is not working in the mobile o tablet format as shown above.
  • So why it works fine with the background (settings of the betheme) but not with an image of the muffin builder? Examples: (Image)
  • Thank you. I made the changes, but it still not working. The scrolling is not working in the mobile o tablet format as shown above.
  • Here you can see what I mean... (Image)
  • No exactly. Only when you open the page, I mean bevor your scroll and the menu move along, I would prefer that you can see the whole header image.
  • Hi, The web page is under construction, but this is the link to the page where I am working.... http://apuntogastronomica.com/wordpress/ It is about the menu on the right and the point named "Indice de Recetas" which has categories as …
  • Hello,  Other plugins like https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/jquery-categories-list/ neither work correctly. I create a costum sidebar and use the Sidebar Widget of the Muffin Builder. Is there any solution? Thanks
  • Thank you. Is there a alternative way to generate collapsing categories?