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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • ok and how about when the mode is off and your standard demo marketing page is setup for one page but i cant seem to implement menu on top.
  • gauge.watch , its currently in " under construction mode" but possibly even in that mode we would like to add simple menu on top just to have few links like "about us" and "contact" and same thing in a page were we will…
  • OK , perfect thank you , now this seems to be quite powerful , great job guys with the Muffin builder !
  • ok , but where can a locate "Section" ?  is it in Appearance  _ Editor _ ??  ( sorry for lame questions but I was not using WP for a long time ) 
  • 1. most probably yes as then it will work properly on all devices. 2.  gauge.watch   when the page is loading for a moment you see brown color and then after you get dark image with wristwatch.
  • plus how can i change the brown color which appears when page is loading , as i cant find it , in the theme color settings it is not there as ive changed all hte colors but this one is still there for a short moment when the page is loading ?
  • just a small question ( most probably stupid) . I want to modify images in this demo , ot keep it simple I will keep the names as they are , but do I need to only reupload those couple of images from the Media Library or do i need to download all …
  • Thats what i did and it seems that its working fine now, time to set it up correctly now :)  ( so its means I will probably get back to you guys soon :D)
  • No I did no get any message.should i just clear out and reintall the theme?