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- bradgriffin
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Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Not that it's you guys (I think it's Visual Composer), but if you use the "YouTube" option to add a video, it won't let you remove the related videos with a 'rel=0' option. Yet if you use the text option then grab the YouTube embed code, …
Ok, so if I'm using VC to add a video, http://prntscr.com/5rnm9w then where does the "wmode=opaque" come into play?
So are you saying that the menu will always disappear behind the YouTube unless I use the Muffin Builder?
Right. I used visual composer.
You could have answered that question yourself Yes.
ok, try it again on the homepage of https://storagedepot.com I've noticed it happening on Internet Explorer 11 https://storagedepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/image-1.png https://storagedepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/image-2.png
If I take the Christmas counter back down, the make the YouTube video the first thing that appears on the page, the sub menus will drop back behind the YouTube video. I can't put it back as it'll make navigating to our other stores almost impossib…
Well, that definitely did NOT work. HA! That's what happens when Brad tries to 'code'!!! I opened up notepad++, copy / pasted the content just like it said, saved the files with the filename mentioned, then put 'em back into the root of the theme. h…
Here's the response from Team Yoast:Hi Brad, Thanks for your email. This just means the archive template for BejTheme is a basic layout. You can create a custom location template as described in this KB: Template files for Local SEO Kind regards, …
Ha! Nope. I don't have a clue. All I know is what I'm seeing. Is there any chance you can take a look at it and see? I don't mind paying a bit if I need to. While I do understand that there are all types of 'store locator' plugins out there, thi…
sorry, I thought you guys called http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ in the theme. my bad!
Not a problem
Ha! That was after I re-installed Woo. Apparently those two plugins literally BREAK Woo, with some tweaks and hacks.
Ah....ok. Got it.Any idea how or why my site looks like it does? I've disabled and removed both of those plugins, yet things are jacked up.The far right of the menu has "magically" disappeared, and anything below the menu is now gone. An…
It wasn't about the items in the menu. I was just wondering why the "edges" next to the other menu looked weird. I stuck some items in the menu and it looks fine now. Thanks!
Ok so I put the code in and it looks like this:(Image) When it needs to simply look like this:
By the way, I never mentioned the obvious, but did you check your browser? That link to the style.php works just fine.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8sggu26wtrztym5/Screenshot%202014-12-05%2013.21.26.png?dl=0 Here's a screenshot of the file permissions.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/moosorfjxnojtef/Screenshot%202014-12-05%2013.18.53.png?dl=0 Here's a screenshot of the accordion, and you can see that there is information inside of it, it just won't open.
whaaaaaaat? Why would I want / need the css file to be publicly viewable? And, how does that indicate that "there is a problem with your server"? I've checked with http://lightningbase.com, and there's nothing wrong w/ the server. So, s…
There is info in the accordion, but it's not opening when it's clicked. What's up with that? New url: http://storagedepot.com/start/shop/self-storage/10x25-non-climate-self-storage/
ok, any idea as to why the "Attributes" and description is not appearing?I made a video of the issues http://somup.com/c2lfoaiki
Not sure if you have to join the Woo Facebook group to see this, but....https://www.facebook.com/groups/advanced.woocommerce/977277165620036/ " you output the original image in the theme where you expect it to animate, something along the line…
http://storagedepot.com/base/files/2014/12/5x5-300x169.gif I have removed "Force Regenerate", but apparently Woo and the theme is insisting that the image be resized. Well... How do we override this? Here's all the gifs, nice and animat…
Got it! If anyone else is searching for Woo Commerce, WooCommerce, multi site, multisite, here's your answer. Turns out, you've got to load up Woo in the main theme, but do NOT network activate it. Now go to each individual site and then click &quo…
Nicely done!! Simplicity is good ;-)
Ok, well... Thanks for the reply. But just to be absolutely, positively, totally, completely clear, certain, and no language barrier hurdles, ... I do NOT want you to customize UberMenu. I am NOT asking for you to customize UberMenu. I do NOT need …
The only problem with integrating a third party plugin is that the theme author / seller then has to add that to their support items. These folks over at Themeforest that sell a theme with Revolution, Uber, and Visual Composer sell themes like hotc…
I see the image size. And I've changed it on my end. But the padding is still off on the bottom? Why is that? https://www.dropbox.com/s/acvxrpqqj0fng8r/Screenshot%202014-10-21%2007.58.55.png?dl=0 Thanks!