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    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd January 2017
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    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd January 2017
  • 1) how to make the main menu menu center display?2) how to make the portfolio center title display?Screenshot: http://d23.068.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Snip20170113_4.pngMain menu - submenu screenshot: http://d23.068.myftpupload.com…
    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd January 2017
  • 1. How to modify text? Change (Related posts)2, how to delete the date.Screenshots:http://www.cbm.ltd/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Snip20161224_59.png page:http://www.cbm.ltd/portfolio-item/led-flaem-bulb↓downward)/
    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd December 2016
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    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd December 2016
  • Just delete the screenshot in the left and right corner of the time information, need to display the above text. screenshot:http://www.cbm.ltd/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Snip20161223_54.png
    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd December 2016
  • How to delete the text edited in the pictureMy website: http://www.cbm.ltd/portfolio-item/4/Screenshots: http://www.cbm.ltd/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Question.png
    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd December 2016
  • How to change the bottom  :If you are interested in Be|theme, do not wait and BUY IT NOW!
    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd December 2016
  • Don't work, click on the jump to the home page
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    in 66 Comment by cbm-ltd December 2016