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- ceojaipur
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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Also , what about the visual composer?it doesn't seem to be updated and showing the old version of the plugin
Hi,We're facing the issue that the site content is only visible when the admin is logged in. While we log out, the content becomes invisible.We updated our site and still the visual composer plugin shows the old version
Hi.i've updated the theme however in the betheme menu options some of the toggle buttons in the options aren't visible.For eg: See the screenshots here the earlier version o…
What about the file. What is it's use?
And what about the envato toolkit? I've configured according to the themeforest credentials but can't see the update option
Can I update the theme via uploading the file on the cpanel and extracting it? Will it overwrite the files? Also what's the use for file
Hi, We are facing an issue. On the homage page of our site, when we are trying to edit with the Visual Composer addon, the window is not opening and in the background, there's an error that shows up 'Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output bufferin…
Also when I add accordion through visual composer, the first row always appears opened? How can I close it by default?
Thanks. Which plugins do you use for optimizing wordpress?
Thanks. It worked. Another question. While we ran a test on gtmetrix. It showed 0 score for defer parsing of javascript. So on searching we found plugin recommendation for BJ Lazy load. However when we activate it, the pictures don't load. Any recom…
We have logo also. What should we do?