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- chitaurus
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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Ok in which demo I can found a project like this one http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/theme/portfolio-item/single-project-7/ so I can upload the theme and export the single project page. Thxs
Ok I see now, it would be great if you can put the export file for every portfolio. it's easier than to have to import the whole demo! is there a way to have them accessible online? Thxs
No it display differently http://wordpress-85777-241124.cloudwaysapps.com/portfolio-item/salle-de-bain-1/
Do you recommande any third party plugin that is compatible?
No, it's not the case. you can do a search with the word conformit, used several times in the english content and only one result is showing! but if you do in french we have more that one resultats (some content page are translated in english)
What is your IE version, mine is 11.212.10586.0. I teste on another laptop I have exactly the same prob with IE for the menu. Here's what I see for your theme demo http://pasteboard.co/13Q3poE1.png
You can see how the menu is cropped in the first image and in the second how the list is too distant from the texthttp://imgur.com/a/1IOYD
It's close for these 2 sections. But did you check for the last section contact for exemple? It's clear it's not the same. Thxs
Thxs for your reply. Message sent.
Are you talking about this image? http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/doc-images/menu-edition.png What it's not clear is the whole paragraph below. For Mega Menu columns you must add each menu item using a # "URL" attribu…
Hi offcyclers - were you able to find out how we can submenu with 2 columns? I do agree the documantation is not enough clear. A screenshot with an exemple would be great.