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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/144/JHUQFUPG1HGS.png OK sorry, now I understand that I must update only through Betheme (indirectly) OK, now I have the 6.7.17 version, I will whait the 6.7.18 version to arrive to "Betheme system&…
  • I don't understand why I can't update? They request to activated to update. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/628/QAZ2HURKDIXS.png
  • Hi, did you have verrified already the increesing logo (50% - 50%) on mobile version on the new Betheme version 27.5? I have a question to be OK with my work till now ( the site is almost finish), before I will update the theme: When I installed fir…
  • OK, it is not so bad because also we have the square logo - the original logo that I designed myself. And in demo furnituresstore2 I haved see (in mobile version) it is use a square logo. By the way, your theme is fantastic! Have a wanderfull day!
  • OK. Considering the below announcement from WordPress, we give up (using the old theme) and will focus on the new website. What is the recommended version of PHP for Betheme, to install it in a clean new website? Because WordPress core announced: &q…
  • Hi! It is posible to have a temporary Betheme license? As I specified above, we decided to install on our principal website the new Betheme license recently purchased. But if we want to migrate the existing instalation on another domain (that we do …
  • Hi We decided to reinstall a new site from scratch because it's to complicated to manage 4 major components to run smooth: the PHP version, Wordpress version, the theme and all the plugins. Even more, we have to add WooCommerce module and we look fo…