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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi, I am unable to login in backend of wordpress after increased values of max_input_vars and suhosin values. http://taxikarlo.in/wp-admin Can you please check it. I have already shared login details with you in previous message.
  • I have changed suhosin values. Please check once. http://www.taxikarlo.in/phpinfo.php Is it fine for Be theme
  • Can you please tell me exactly which of values and how much should I increase of "suhosin extensio". And any other values need to increase?
  • Hi, On testing server website as http://website.innoservsolutions.com/carrental/ On live server website as http://taxikarlo.in/ Compare both website as look and layout, totally different for example map is not in full width, background color, tex…
  • Hello, As per your requirement I have changed max_input_vars=10000. http://www.taxikarlo.in/phpinfo.php Now check website: http://taxikarlo.in/ Still muffin builder is not working proper, I just update page and all goes wrong. Now Please look …
  • Hello, We are facing more problem regarding max_input_vars value. I have created recently only one page "http://www.taxikarlo.in/" Still builder is not work properly....my concern is that why builder required  max_input_vars=10000 value…
  • Ok Thank you
  • Hi, I have checked through phpinfo() function, on server I got as max_input_vars    Local Value: 10000    Master Value: 1000 So I need to change master value to 10000, Right?
  • Hi, I have tried both solutions (.user.ini and .htacess) but not work for me. I have put request to hosting server to change "max_input_vars" Are you sure I am facing this due to "max_input_vars"?
  • Yes, Right! Please tell me solution.
  • *Check
  • Hi, I know that need to change section style to full width .... but problem is when I change style to full width and then save .. update the page after that still map stay in default layout and first section of page that is problem and solution has…
  • OK fine..... You means there is no option in Be theme use background images in mobile devices proper!!!
  • Thanks for reply, But It looks so horrible in mobile version, no proper alignment of content, images. Can you suggest me width and height for background image and any other option that make it good look.  
  • Thank for support.
  • But I am facing this problem only on home page. If I have created another page, it work properly. Is there any alternate solution for this problem?.. because to contact with server admin it take time and having long process!!!
  • Hi, See I did "on" one page option go to update the page then after updated page, the option of one page go "off" automatically. so that's my problem. I have shared login details with you, kindly go and check it.