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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I am having trouble with the envato tool kit. it use to work but now it lags and ends up redirecting to an error 404 page. I know you're not envato but has anyone else been experiencing this? and any other suggestions? i'd like to have the update ha…
  • update 2... the website has the latest version. theme options settings are left blank. additional code removed. Popup still is wider then the mobile screen.  New installation on a brand new website (3rd website) to test it and i get the same result.…
  • update.... i took a look at source code and there was no coding for http://my.setmore.com/css/setmorePopup.css . I have removed the plugin and the code i manually put it.  that doesn't explain how i get the same results on a different website using …
  • i believe that i did remove it all. Or did i miss it? I'll check again. what's the default value? 
  • 2 additional discoveries... 1) Tested the theme on a different site and i get the same results with the popup. 2) On the muffingroup website with all the shortcodes, i resized the screen for 320px wide and the popup sample was turned off. works fine…
  • Ok, i took out the plug-in and the manual code and i still get 500px width. I changed the width to a fix dimension and it works but when i leave it blank it goes to 500px. i really thought what you suggested would have worked. 
  • ahhhh. ok. makes sense. completely forgot about that code. Thanks so much. 
  • Here is where I have it. http://www.temple-massage.net/services/ . I may not use it there though. I was testing it out to see if i would use it there.  Sounds like the pretty photo is supposed to be auto width and controlled in that section you poin…
  • No. I did not put in a width.  And there is no option for popup alone. There are settings for Pretty Photo | Options, Style, Width, Height. Is that what you are referring to? The answer would still be no. They are left blank. 
  • How can I have both?  One button solid and next to it a button stroked. 
  • I imported the Sport Demo site and it looks nothing like the demo. Rev Slider I know i have to import. but the rest is just content. the background image is not set, colors are off, link color are off. footer ... ???  Isn't the purpose of importing …