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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi, There Oh~ I had didn't check the Performance sectons Thank you so much! Have a great day Best Regards.
  • Hi, There Importing page is working but the images are not imported anyway it's fine one more issue about animations, it is not working on my site If you need login information let me know please Thanks https://temfee.com
  • Tested importing page is https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/agency4/
  • Hi there I updated new version Betheme yesterday that's why the file permission has returned back Anyway I replace this file and it's working well thanks so much Forward if I update new version of betheme, do I have to replace this file always? Tha…
  • Hi there You can now edit this file Please let me know if you need anything else Thanks
  • Hello, I sent you login information to that link once again. but as you know that email form can't attach a file You need a key file to access to ftp server because I am hosing aws lightsail instance so if you reply to my e-mail, I will send the ke…
  • Hi, there I have no idea which contact form is where it is. Please let me know the contact form link page and I will send a file you need Thanks Best Regards
  • Hi, there I didn't get a message yet by e-mail Plese check one more Thanks!
  • Hi, It's not working for that I tested another prebuilt site but there is same problem https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/926/XHQCS3F5W8JD.png