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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • sent, please let me know! thanks. The problem is that now Envato is giving only 6months support and tomorrow it will be over, can't believe it. The website is up and running perfectly and now this problem comes and I'll have to pay more for support?
    in Problems Comment by mallorykite May 2016
  • I've change the Max Input Vars and I still can't remove a OUR TEAM from my page. My pages freeze for a while when I open them, are you sure it's not something related to your theme? I've just created a post and works perfectly, the only problem I'm …
    in Problems Comment by mallorykite May 2016
  • Yeah this is the problem! How can I still use the child theme??Thanks
    in link Comment by mallorykite May 2016
  • Not at all for me!! When I click on one of the 3 products, the board for example, it redirects me to this portfolio item http://division-nautica.com/2013/03/f-one-sup-2013/ when it should send me to the product category: http://division-nautica.com/…
    in link Comment by mallorykite May 2016
  • thanks!
  • I've tried this snippet for the date: .single-portfolio .button-love { display: none !important; } It works but is it bad for the site? 
  • What about the date? Can I remove it? I see you don't have it here: http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/portfolio-item/integer-aliquam-purus/ This is one of my pages: http://division-nautica.com/portfolio-item/manera-2016/
  • Thanks, I'd like to remove the Share Box but ONLY to portfolios, not to Blog. Is that possible with some custom css? If I select under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General  it also removes from blog and I'd like to keep them. A…
  • Never mind got it! thanks
  • Not sure I get it, so if I see this for my Porfolio page: http://division-nautica.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=portfolio I should put .portfolio to make changes to this page?I've tried these but it doesn't work:.post-type-portfolio #Content { bac…
  • Hi guys, How can I figure out the page  ID of this page? http://division-nautica.com/catalogos-y-manuales/ I'd like to know how to do it so that I don't bother you... ;) Thanks
  • Ok so let me ask you differently, is it possible to change "Add to Cart" text by something else with Css custom?
  • I figured it out, just had to enter all prices from all variations in order to have it work!! Cheers
  • 1) Thanks a lot!2) just did and still get the same problem. I don't understand why. Will continue searching on google but if you have an idea why I would really appreciate it.
  • Hi again, please read my first comment above related to point 1. 2) So I did what you recommended, erased the theme folder, uploaded the new one, the issue with Woocommerce templates is gone but as you can see I still can't Add to Cart when selectin…
  • 1) Thanks it works. what about the wide line around it, is it also possible to change the color? thanks 2) I uploaded the new theme folder today a few hours ago... but I did not erase and upload the new one. Would that change something? And also, I …
  • Thx!
  • I changed it to [button title="Comprar en línea" icon="icon-basket" icon_position="left" link="http://division-nautica.com/online/" target="" color="blue" font_color="#B1DCFB" lar…
  • Really?? It's below the text, I can see it! http://imgur.com/40NqX17 (Image)
  • what about at the end here? http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/shortcodes/boxes-infographics/
  • perfect, thanks!
  • I found a way to change the different woo commerce pages by paste these codes:.post-type-archive-product #Content { background-color: #FFF !important; }.tax-product_cat #Content { background-color: #FFF !important; }.single-product #Content { backgr…
  • Oh ok! It did work. Could you please tell me how to find these pages ID? because now I would have to do the same with all woocommerce pages: http://division-nautica.com/categoria-producto/f-one-kite/ http://division-nautica.com/producto/bandit-9/ T…
  • Hi guys, Sorry to bother you again with this but I've pasted this in my css custom codes but the background isn't white: .page-id-3016 #Content { background: #FFF !important; } This is the page I want to have white background: http://division-nauti…
  • ok found a way by reading this post: http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/46309/#Comment_46309 However could you tell me if it's possible to add the css codes to enlarge image with the Simple Slider? Thanks
  • ok thanks!
  • great thanks!
  • This changes the text and not the background... Could you help me change the background please?
  • Hi, I am the admin but not an expert! :) Just want to get prepared in case... Could you please tell me what's the best way to backup BeTheme if there is any different way? Thanks
  • Much better, thanks!