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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • As I wrote in the email, the access data is for both htaccess and WP Admin
  • I have investigated it further. It doesn't matter which plugins are activated. As soon as you create a custom single product page, only the from-to price is displayed, but never the actual price of the variant. No matter what I have tried. I haven'…
  • Update: I have started the WordPress troubleshooting mode to fix the problem according to your description. I currently only have WooCommerce and Betheme (parent theme) active there and it doesn't work.
  • Secondly, that's what I mean. If I use the "Price" element in the admin area, then the price should also be displayed there and not further down in the shopping cart button? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the freely placeable price mod…
  • Which plugin did you remove? You can also send me an e-mail. What is still misleading is that the from-to price is at the top and then the actual price at the bottom. With Woocommerce, I was aware that the large main price is changed accordingly - t…
  • Thank you, the e-mail has been sent.
  • Ok, to make it easier, I have uploaded the page to the server. Please delete the link and the .htaccess access data after the help. It is a not yet published page and therefore nobody should have access to it.
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/248162#Comment_248162 Thanks for your answer, yes that's right, but for that I have to create my own template and build the single page myself. I have imported a pre-made betheme template and …