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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Sorry for the delay in the response: On that website I mentioned, (robertoardizzi.it) deleting the cache on the server solved the issue, however, Unfortunately, I really believe it's a bug. I've installed the Betheme on another site (vittoriadincecc…
    in Bug? Comment by miviki February 19
  • I did it..
    in Bug? Comment by miviki February 5
  • I use Aruba servers, and I don't have any caching tool enabled, at least not that I've activated. I activated a plugin on WordPress, but it was after the initial issue arose with the page not updating. I also tried deactivating it, but nothing chang…
    in Bug? Comment by miviki February 5
  • Can you also take a look? I made the change on the performance, but nothing changes. Also, as you can see on the button, nothing changes. It should point to /contacts instead, but it points to the same page. https://www.robertoardizzi.it/marketingma…
    in Bug? Comment by miviki February 5
  • Thank you, I've been using the BeTheme for many years but this time it keeps giving me a lot of problems. The page updated itself the next day, but now I'm trying to insert a simple button with a link to the contact page, but the link always points …
    in Bug? Comment by miviki February 5
  • OMG...yes it's true. II've been using BeTheme for years, but this is the first time something like this has happened. Thanks a lot.
  • Hello, yesterday I installed BeTheme, and I'm trying to use the templates for the header, but it's giving me an error. I don't understand how to unlock it. I am attaching images. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/945/OJP32DLM0F7S.png htt…