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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi I too would like to know how to change the icon. I looked in class-love.php and try to change it there but now nothing displays. please help. Thanks
  • Great thanks!
  • Hi I have logged into ThemeForest and it says - Support 4 months left For BeTheme You have 2 licenses for this item. Download. Please can you help as I really need to get this sorted in the next 30 mins :( …
  • Hi I need to change the value from 1240px to 1280px how would I do this? So the mobile toggle menu displays. I just cannot seem to find out how to do this. Thanks
  • Hi So once plugins have been unzipped within betheme/plugins do I then need to upload them to wp-content/plugins? Or betheme/plugins Thanks
  • Hi I delted Akismet and Hello Dolly plugins, and this seemed to do the trick. I can now add text to the fields. Thanks
  • OK thanks, is their a way I can select all pages apart from home page and include the right side bar, or do I have to manually go into each page, as their are a lot of pages! Thanks
  • Hi Just done this. I have added a sidebar to my pages within the Theme Options, how do I hide this sidebar on the home page? Many Thanks
  • grrrrr, but I cannot have a background colour or padding using the image through muffin builder. This is getting very messy!
  • I think I have done it, it was visually the column was not directly underneath in the admin area, if that makes sense?
  • I find that hard to believe but anyway. The other thing is I cannot append another item to a column in Muffin builder or can I? So I wanted an image using image through muffin builder then below a column of text. Thanks
  • hah, what a dick I am, I was looking in the wrong column, apologies I now see it :)
  • That is a shame, surely this request will make your next update and make it more user friendly for people without HTML skills to add text, headings, images within a text editor?
  • Hi I have tried the visual editor, but this still does not let me add in images? It means I am going to have to re-build the home page layout using Visual Composer :(
  • So it is in the column item, it's just that when I open that column up in muffin builder I do not see any image?
  • So the user would have to manually type in the URL of the image? Is their any other way I can display content in this column that is easier to add/update/edit for a complete novice? Thanks
  • Hi How do I add an image in a column, when I go to shortcode and click the image button, it does not ask me to browse for the image? This is what I was talking about above, this is just not user friendly or am I missing something? (Image) Many T…
  • Hi I still think this needs more thought, for example using Visual Composer it has an option to add TEXT, and you are presented with a WYSIWYG with the option of viewing source code. Is this not possible? Many Thanks
  • Also, do I have to upload example screenshots to my server or provide a link to another 3rd party provider in order for you guys to view images? No upload facility? Thanks
  • Hi Not sure if my last message was understood properly. What I mean is when for example you edit a Sport Home Page' and would like to change the text in one of the 'Home Boxes' within the Muffin Builder you see the below: (Image) The end user w…