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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • https://pasteboard.co/JxJ65C9.jpg(Image)
  • (Image) please, i attched you a screenshot. i went to change the icon menu that i circale on yellow to another sahpe.
  • hi,  There is nothing in there about "onclikc".  please, I asked you very specific question, could you answer the question ? 
    in onclick Comment by nirmeir July 2017
  • tnx, this is exactly what I wanted. 
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • hi ,  I look at the link that you sent me, I tried to use, this : * .header-split #Action_bar { background-color: #DCD5C5; } * #Action_bar { background-color: #fff; !impotant; } and, both of them not work for me , can you chack it plesae? 
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • ho, tnx a lot this, this is what I wanted from the beginning. can you give me also CSS for the action bar background? if you can give me CSS for each line separately, for the contact bar and for the secondary menu?if it's not possible for each eleme…
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • hi ,  it's still the same, please take a look at the css that i have already in the theme, maybe it's contradicting.I save the option that you told me to, in this way you will be able to check.  I will be glad if you give me a solution that it will …
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • hi there,  ok, I made some changes so now it's will be simple.all I need is an alignment the contact bar and the sub-menu on a mobile to the center, and also in horiznal preview mode. align both elements (contact bar and the sub-menu) to the center.…
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • hey, tnx for the response , the url to my website is : pay-less.co.il.and i also chak again all the screenshot, it's really just align, and it will be great if you can figure it for me .   *  i set a custom menu instead the social icon menu, and i …
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • ok,  i get it , but, please look just at the first question. i didn't mean to "relocate " the menu, just to align it . please look at at the pictures .  tnx a lot
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • sorry ... but i'am not understand you answer .i asked you four different question... in the pest you gave me css for adjust the team, there is some changing with the policy?  
    in header/menu Comment by nirmeir June 2017
  • yes,  it's work fine ...tnx a lot can you write me css just for this page : https://pay-less.co.il/mortgage_ins-2/results
  • tnx a lot ! 
  • hi,  the menu ber is fine, he is in the right side now,but when you click the menu the menu open in the left side ... like in this screen shot https://snag.gy/n72rP0.jpg , please write me a css to fix this.  and i will be glad if  you can write me p…
  • i dont have a empy section in this page, please i attched you a screen shot: https://snag.gy/L6ZwMh.jpg
  • the url is: pay-less.co.il 
  • hi, please, i marked the space in red line : https://snag.gy/rGcg5J.jpg in all the page it will be fine .... tnx a lot, 
  • ok, tnx ! 
  • hi,  i talking about the order of the upload time, not about the order of the shown layout. "basically what i want is that the slider revolution upload after the header and before all the layout in the page."- for example : 0-2 second:  he…
  • hi ,  I didn't asked your help with third party plugin, all i do is described you my issue. I asked support with slider revolution, basically what i want is that the slider revolution upload after the header and before all the layout in the page. c…
  • lets say for example that i want to change the size font and the color after i switch on the static css?i should turn off the static css do the changes in the color and the size and then copy from the header all the css and turn on the static scc ag…
    in static scc Comment by nirmeir April 2017
  • hi,  i read yours  documentation regards to the static scc for improve my upload time. after that i do what you suggset how can i do some changes ? 
    in static scc Comment by nirmeir April 2017
  • hi,  please i attached a screenshot : https://snag.gy/vz9XOJ.jpg tnx a lot, 
  • take the left one in the first line, I will take the example that you will give me and I will figure out the others that I need. TNX!
  • just one ...
  • tnx for the response,  i forgot to add to my massge that i want to hide just in mobile, and just  one of the html/text widget.
  • Hey, Can I add some scc (or another option ) if I want to hide just one html/text widgetin the footer. My url : pay-less.co.il I will be glad if you can  write me an example of one of the footer widget in the url that I attachedTnxJ
  • tnx a lot, now its great!