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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I'm actually working on v2 of the site which i bought the theme, so it's localhost for now but here is the screenshot. but submenu i mean secondaty level items (subpages for example)....  In my screenshot below the "ressource" item is a su…
  • okay was looking for a social bar shortcode, your demo is not very clear about that. Perhaps you can indicate that the social bar is the same shortcode than the icon bar. anyway thanks for your support.
  • Hey i need to update the theme from version 8.6. I have a child theme with only the static css and function file in it... and i've made a backup of my current setting on your admin panel... Should I expect some changes or should i take care of somet…
  • Hey same problem for me, i've activated the decrease font size but there's no changes. the image are well scaled but my text not. I'm using a custom class for the h2. edit, apparently it's because i set my custom h2 font size in pixel... should i se…
  • @mediaworkx, this is also my wish, the documentation can be improved. The idea of the shortcode documentation is really good. Also for the button shortcode, it would be usefull to have options to change the style straight in the shortcode (plain or …
  • okay thanks, i realize that my problem is because there's a global style (default or stroke) for all buttons, but i need some buttons stroked and some with the default style for dark areas... maybe that would be a good idea to put the style in optio…
  • Hi thanks for your reply. However i'm still have a problem. on my contact form, the submit button is stroked orange and the background become full orange on hover.But on another page, the stroked button become light grey on hover. this page : http:/…
  • Okay so do i have to put the static-css file content inside my child theme style.css file to avoid being overwritten in the next theme update ?   edit: that what i did and it works perfectly :-) maybe there's something you can add to the documentati…
  • I'm running the same problem as marksuarez, i've put my css-static.css file in my child theme and it's not recognized. the site load the parent theme file. thanks for you help
  • Hi perfect thanks :-) really appreciate your quick support. By the way i discovered an issue that might be interresting for other users, if you select "Use Google CDN version of jQuery" on the layer slider, the color pickers on the theme o…
  • Yep thanks, because i saw many strings missing on the PO file.. have a nice day.
  • I found the other strings for the page option and texts inside the shortcodes items but it seems that some of them are missing.
  • Okay thanks :-) i cannot find the strings for the builder in the language file, that's why i ask the question.... for example : add item , Add section and so on...
  • Another question, where is the language file for the muffin builder ? 
  • Hi, i've put my fr_FR.mo file in my child theme "languages" folder but apparently the language is not taken in account ? should I only put it in the "betheme" folder instead of the childtheme ? i've cleared my cache, refreshed my…
  • okay perhaps it's a bandwith problem on my side ? thanks for checking it.. 
  • Hi thanks for your quick answer, go there and click on any link on the top menu, you will see that the menu is moving when the new page is loading : http://cinov.numero7.ch/I did not made any modifications on the template, it's a fresh install with …
  • okay so there's no french langage file, so i suppose i have to do it by myself or by chance you have it somewhere :-) ?