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  • Hey there Phil, first thank you! 3) I using a header from theme options.
  • 1) gotcha! 2) Okay thank you :) 3) Also done A new question I would like to ask: 1: https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/392/O432129YL58S.png The Portfolio Element doesn't do the margin correctly when the text is presented in 2 rows. Ev…
  • So I can't use Darktheme on this woomerce page like I did with other wraps that I could just enable the checkbox "Dark" and it gives me a dark theme? If yes, where can I see the color which will get used using "Dark" in Wraps to …
  • 2) Done thank you so much! 3) Ahh, thank you so much! Now it works perfectly! I overlooked this point as well! New Question Round: 1) I am sorry to ask so many questions, but I can't find where to use the "Dark Theme" on the Woomerce Ac…
  • 2: I understand to be honest. So I can put portfolio items in different categories and the ones I want to exclude I just don't put in any categories? 3: But how I can make it work with only 3 projects and the other ones loading because even when I …
  • 2: https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/028/V90JG7ASVCTY.png I have categories but how do I set the category who shoes / doesn't show the navigation arrows? 3: Now it works! Thank you :3 4: Wait so that I don't misunderstand you. 5: Is i…
  • 1: Gotcha! Thank you :) 2: I disabled the Options but where do I assign the categories to portfolio? 3: https://pixelcosplay.com/login/ is the new login :) 4: As I told if the projects are shown directly (pre loaded) then there is no error but I …
  • Hey Phil, thank you. This is what I figured out, but I still have some questions: Since Chrome and Safari block autoplay videos (but I wanna include one in my slider) how do I achieve this? It is mentioned that muted autoplay videos work, but even w…
  • I managed the navigation issue but stumbled about another one. Is it possible to exclude some items from the navigations arrows?
  • Another Question: How can I disable the navigation elements in specific portfolio Items? Just for 1-2 items :)
  • I cleared the cash the problem still occurs also on mobile etc. Please check again. Further I have a Problem when I wanna add a muted video with revolution slider. Autoplay doesn't work on mobile devices even when I mute the video from the start re…
  • https://www.loom.com/share/09ce6b9ce7874a28a8eaad457101fadd
  • Thank you, hopefully two last questions: Sometimes when leaving the image gallery from a popup, the mouse navigation is buggy (Video) Is it possible to let a row which is contained of two 1/2 elements switch to 1/1 already on tablet view not on m…
  • To this CSS Code: .mfn-list .mfn-list-item .mfn-list-desc{.... Is it possible to exclude one list from this behavior (via ID or so?). Best regards, Pixel
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/108/Q7F3HGEHOFYV.png Hey there, It still looks cropped in the tablet/laptop view. I just need an element with a title, a description, and an icon. Is there any Icon which adapts more responsively. I wan…
  • Hey there, I am using both but how is the recommend way to let the icons adjust their size on different screens? I have also Icon Boxes under the Icon Box Basic since I wanted to check if they look different! Best regards
  • 1) It would fix my mistake thank you so much! 2) https://www.loom.com/share/87e0fe7f59ad44f98f7c9ca814e56525?sid=abae092d-bcda-42fa-a248-f63d48fa9c8a As you can see in some responsive views they still look quite cropped! 3) Now its working, thank …
  • Thank you! ♥
  • 1:Can you provide me with this css code? 2: it sadly also looks cropped like the feature list 3: I have cache disable on all pages for testing purpose but it still doesn't work :( Can you provide me with the JS Code?
  • So its not possible to to a image gallery with it right? Since it will be the same image gallery on each page?
  • 2: I thought the second scenario with the portfolio template will be done like that: https://www.loom.com/share/8928bc806d1f4eb79a024e8653fa6d5a But it seems not to work. Maybe you can record me a short video or give me a detail tutorial how I can …
  • About the other issues: 1: How can I achieve with a list the exact style (icon on the left but text still centered) ? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/383/PMCL4ZD1T7EV.png 2: Is there a way to have two Icon Boxes besides each other si…
  • Hi Phil, Sadly I only have this JS Script in the Theme rn: jQuery(document).on('click', '.mfn-popup-tmpl .gallery a', function() { jQuery(this).closest('.mfn-popup-tmpl').removeClass('mfn-popup-active mfn-popup-showed'); }); And it sadly doesn't f…
  • Hey Phil does it work? +
  • With the first scenario I dont have the possiblity to add things like "Post Title" if I may be right? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/104/FT0BU6475N6S.png In the second scenario sadly I only found the way of creating a "…
  • Sorry it wasn't changed. You should have access now! Best regards!
  • Hey there, changed the user role right now and trusting you tho! Weirdly point 3 didn't take my full questions so: Sadly only fixed the problem partly since now when the line is only 1 column tall its a not central anymore but a little bit more on …
  • Hi, I would love to hear the recommended steps for both scenarios to be honest since both approaches seemed quite realistic for me! Best regards
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/199/1ZZFMOOUQGJD.jpg Sadly the "feature list" Item looks a bit messed up in the "Tablet / Laptop" view so can I fix this with some Jquery code?
  • Hey Phil, thank you so much for your cooperation. Could you use the login information? Since some problems are sadly not fixed (yet). What works is that a click closes the popup but if the popup opens from a click on a trailerbox for example, anot…