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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • No worries, I completely understand. Keep up the good work and best of luck in the future. I remain a happy buyer. Thanks for the quick responses as well - I wish all envato authors were as quick with support!
  • Oh no, you misunderstood. I'm not mad at all? I love the theme and will buy more licenses, I was simply trying to get the parameters of changing themes later. I do find the theme a little large for good page speed and minifying the js files seems to…
  • "If you build with the muffin builder you can only move the content to another betheme"!  YES That's what I am saying. If you build with muffing builder, you can never change themes. Maybe you should tell people that before they buy the th…
  • Yes, I know that. BUT, there is also no way to save anything that was built in Muffin Builder - anything in Muffin Builder gets lost so if you built out blog posts in Muffin Builder, then you can not export the content in any way or ever use a diffe…
  • Actually, I think you  missed the question. When you build in BeTheme using Muffin BUilder, you cannot change themes WITHOUT losing your content. Muffin Builder content does not magically transport itself into the Wordpress editor, therefore it is l…