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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Here you have https://ps5digital.pt/suporte/ The button with code as you said onlick And that "START CHAT" is the HTML mode I've shown on video.
  • So, it kind of works but not perfect. Because page is refreshing and then chat closes. I recorded video with all options and opened page (DEV WEBSITE). LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5yh8w76bv3e4p5wqm0gbn/Grava-o-do-ecr-2024-12-20-s-10.15.22.m…
  • That's weird. I was pretty sure I have sent it! Anyway just sent it now on your contact form.
  • Not sure if this helps, but I have those images inside this section: LINK 1 And inside of that section this is the code: LINK 2 But if I try to add "skip-lazy" to that URL, and save it, it won't save it. Disappears.
  • It's because on safari engine on iOs (according to WP ROCKET) this happens: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rq0xajz04pgy9glmw4gwm/A81A3AC2-80C2-4C78-BD96-FC7265174A23.PNG?rlkey=s1500vczc0trla5yip16pbbd2&dl=0 (huge margin) Product: https://www.jo…
  • Here you have: https://www.jogodigital.com/categoria-produto/playstation-4/ps4-premium/ Desktop looks good, just not on mobile.
  • Ok. On product page I like it but it also adds here which looks bad: https://capture.dropbox.com/HD3UOCjuSeK0YaJc You see the icon next to button and not nicely seen? Can we hide from these kind of categories and lists and leave it only on product …
  • I was able to do it, but when I choose mobile view it's not showing. I click in all views, just doesn't preview on mobile, and it's not set to be hidden in mobile. Should I do anything different?
  • Hello, Can you check FTP details from this ticket? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/75114/special-products-showing-wrong#latest Just in order not create a new one or generate new password because I didn't save it.
  • Is there an option, maybe CSS to hide the non working options and show just the "sort by"?
  • Hi, I've tried on staging website to turn them off, clear cache and same issue. I sent you by private the FTP login. If you need to deactivate plugins to try please do it on staging website (https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/…
  • Hi Thanks, Now if i click in any of this, I get 404 error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2xb72jwm07fhcp9/Captura%20de%20ecr%C3%A3%202024-07-10%2C%20%C3%A0s%2011.17.40.png?dl=0
  • Yes, they are active on shop pages, but this isn't a shop page. It's a normal wordpress page where we display products. In a previous ticket you gave me this custom code to insert into a normal page to show filters: https://capture.dropbox.com/63x…
  • Hi, I've created staging website. will send details over contact box. Please check how is it now (you must login to see over the maintenance mode) and then you go ahead and update theme. Then checkout will be not ok.
  • Done. Thanks is there any page where I can see all my tickets? Because i left 1-2 for later as they weren't prioritary and I can't find them (also i don't get emails from here. Should I? If I go to my profile I can see 2 pages of latest activity …
  • Just sent details for this ticket, if you could use the same: https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/256627#Comment_256627
  • Just sent details. Thanks
  • But won't it change anything in desktop? I just want in mobile
  • I need to revert to old theme version. For example, I tried to update right now and then it happens again. I just updated theme on DEV website. Check here after adding product to cart: https://ps5digital.pt/carrinho/ Just happens with updated them…
  • Example: https://tools.pingdom.com/#6420e19b2f400000 If you go to waterfall: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbsznq3qbi7kfp0/Captura%20de%20ecr%C3%A3%202024-07-05%2C%20%C3%A0s%2016.37.41.png?dl=0
  • I will reinstall them because I think it was due to migration. It fixes the missing icons, but not the "MISS" cache status.
  • It was WP rocket that recommended to made them work together. They enabled just caching on Super Page Cache (CF) and performance on WP Rocket. The main issue is because the homepage wasn't being cached, mostly says "MISS". The page cache …
  • Maybe homepage is too big? Can you make a test on this URL? https://ps5digital.pt/wp-admin/post.php?post=1410329&action=edit
  • Yes, please! For example this page: https://ps5digital.pt/categoria-produto/especiais/orbit-deals/ (or any other page to have different colors)
  • And on the category page or results page? Or do you mean that if i apply style in single product will change everywhere? Thanks!
  • Message got duplicated don’t know why. but on previous on you have the url!
  • Duplicated
  • Hi it happens on iPhone 12 Pro Max (fully updated) you can check video here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/m4vrqDrPR2cRDGg3A with and without wp rocket. if you want to try without WP ROCKET cache this is the URL: https://ps5digital.pt/?nowprocket
  • Also perfect! Now, last thing. Didn't fix the mobile version of it, do you have any code for that? On desktop spacing is great now, but mobile looks too far: https://capture.dropbox.com/qpLw7LmYEH1olKhn