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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • 2.  i have the Simple header style, that is what i'm wanting to adjust.  below is the link to video showing the movement that i would like to change.  when the mouse moves over "About" it automatically drops down to show the 3 sub items.  …
    in menu bar Comment by sqrmunky July 2015
  • 1.  i was able to change the text color. 2.  what i'm looking for is a way to make the desktop movement similar to the mobile site.  on mobile you have to click to get the submenu to drop down.  on desktop as soon as you scroll over it drops down, t…
    in menu bar Comment by sqrmunky July 2015
  • #Wrapper, #Content { background-color: #000 !important; } using the code above, i was able to change the color of the background.  is there a way to make that only apply to the homepage and not to any of the other pages?
  • that worked, looks like there was something left over from a previous theme install. thanks
  • this is the demo site when it first opens up and the first "slide" appears to be auto sized to fit on the screen:http://prntscr.com/5hqmec this is what my homepage looks like, hard to show screen shot of the one page not working so i have…
  • thanks for the quick response, great support. got most of it fixed. 1.  got the color changed. right now to get to the bottom arrow you have to scroll down a bit so i'm guessing the header is too large, how do i change that to match demo that fits o…