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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I have it figured out, however i want the sidebar to appear only inside the single product page https://viveefashions.com/shop/vvf006/
  • Hello, i am using the Bestore template, however i would like to hide the shopping bag icon that is located on the menu. I understand I can't move it up but i want to hide it.
  • Which css is broken? How do you mean? Don't worry I've fixed it. However my footer color refuse to change, I intend using #434343 instead of the color presently there
  • Hello, I have added the code to the custom CSS but no changes were made. Please take a look.www.viveefashions.com
  • https://viveefashions.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/header-image-vivee.png That's the image link above for the header image
  • Ok, how about if I upload it to my media and send the link .. Also if you talk about the menu item, is it that I'm to use a custom link. Or I post it into the custom css
  • Okay i would have the background image ready shortly. Then the menu item wanted in red how do I go about it. If you check the site now the menu item SALE is what I want in red. I also want to move the cart icon to where the top menu is. if there's a…
  • I just noticed as well that after creating new product category, i can't add them to the menu because i can't even find them on the left hand side from where i am supposed to drag and drop
  • That reminds me  also want a particular menu ctaegory, the sales. I want it to be in redi
  • Please is there a way I can align the menu to be in the middle or towards the right, just take a look at the website citiheighthotel.com and tell me what you think or suggest, You guys have really been helpful so far
  • i want the header with the menu bar as reansparent as this please on the link: https://www.oberoihotels.com/hotels-in-dubai/
  • I want the header to be transparent a bit, check my site out: http://citiheighthotel.com In theme options if I use transparent header it won't align the way I want it to.
  • I will also like to change the action bar background color to white. This is my own site: www.citiheighthotel.com
  • Okay, how about the transparency, is there a custom css i can add to it?
  • On any page i intend to use it, and it comes at the top before the menu
  • Sorted out
    in HEADER Comment by tobie631 October 2017
  • If i choose a classic header i still end up getting a creative header even after changing the or saving the changes made
    in HEADER Comment by tobie631 October 2017
  • So what do I do to correct this Should I remove the images or what??
  • I have fixed it, however how can i make the homepage parallax, in a way that visitors don't need to select the menu, as sonn as they scroll they get all the information they need from te site
  • I'm also having the same issue and i don't quite get it. I opened my site in html mode and i couldn't find anything
  • Okay, i need the call to action button to come up as a popup of the for I have created for clients to request a quote. How do i do it.
  • My slider revolution just stopped showing on the homepage of my site, and i never touched anything? what might be the cause?  please how do I update slider revolution to the latest version because i don't really understand what @muffingroup is sayin…