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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • so what size do all my featured images have to be re set too and uploaded as, to function on the folio grid??
  • So previously all my featured images had to be at the same ratio? otherwise it would break the portfolio grid?
  • Hi Thank you ? This Wasn't a problem before?
  • Ok it's resolved. Thank you.
  • Hi Thanks for that . Weird it appears to be only in safari that it's doing that.
  • Thanks. In responsive portrait on the https://www.u037.com on the Home Screen how do we close the gap between the video content and the next (see screenshot) https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/130/IYO35N893EAT.png Thank You :)
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/447/ZK0CJXHNJSLT.png There seems to be some discrepancy in our BeTheme options panel. can't see that option? thank you. :)
  • Hi  Thanks for that Same page I'm trying to change the fancy link hover over color but it's not working? using this CSS: .myFancy a.mfn-link{ color: #FFFFFF!important; text-align: center !important; } .myFancy a:hover.mfn-link{ color: #f46600!impo…
  • Hi Same page I'm trying to change the fancy link hover over color but it's not working? using this CSS: .myFancy a.mfn-link{ color: #FFFFFF!important; text-align: center !important; } .myFancy a:hover.mfn-link{ color: #f46600!important; } and …
  • Ok we can buy a new license key and support on behalf of our client though? Additionally: We're having an issue with the folio. The link on the first folio post "Connected Histories:..." goes to the the second folio post, we're not sure wh…
  • ??‍♂️ So obvious I couldn't see it. Thanks for the spot! ?
  • https://www.southbynorth.co.uk/fs1/home/
  • color should be #4ca7a6 doesn't work when I change it. ?
  • that's not working either I even tried the code with the section custom ID - newsmainCustomID still isn't working. Funny it functions on the other pages fine.
  • Link https://www.southbynorth.co.uk/fs1/news-events/
  • Hi Actually having trouble changing the colour of the NEWS heading on this page. https://www.southbynorth.co.uk/fs1/news-events/?preview_id=2309&preview_nonce=11c324b259&preview=true
  • No That's fine. Just wanted confirmation that what I was doing was right. Thank you ?
  • Thank you. ?
  • Actually yes Please ! Where I can I find the ID for individual portfolio posts? :)
  • brain wasn't working. Forget this. :)
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/201057#Comment_201057 Yes Thank You.
  • OK sorry got it! Took a little while to get my head round it lol. Thank you! :)
  • Little confused: Where do I change the responsive visibility option? Do you mean the circled check box and which setting? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/036/PODR1QZCWRDO.png Thanks :)
  • Hi Thanks for all your help so far. The title on the "about the creator" section on responsive mobile, portrait, still doesn't scale to sit over the image? Any pointers? Thanks :)
  • Great, can you make the text scale down in responsive? Thank You :)
  • Hi Thanks for that, One more question. I have white text (column) that has been moved up by 500px to overlap an image above to create a title. (About the creator section) In responsive the move up doesn't function so the white type remains below the…
  • additional. what if I want to change the fancy link. so that the standard theme option- into case black text to red on hover- stays the same but I want to have an option for the same fancy link that- is white text to red on hover- to use on darker b…
  • That's great thanks. Quick additional question. How do I get the fancy link centred and with a red rollover? I'm using this custom css at the moment in the customer CSS theme options:- .idlinkWhite { color:#ffffff !important; text-align: center !…
  • Hi This seems to have resolved itself somehow. Thanks
    in Theme Options Comment by u037 June 2021
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/200195#Comment_200195 Just an update the theme options work when the BeTheme- THEME is loaded. It doesn't work with any of the other pre-built websites.
    in Theme Options Comment by u037 May 2021