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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I install recaptcha plugin again and after following the instruction, it works :D #magic Thanks ;)
  • Hi! Thanks for your answer but I tried it and it didn't work. If I turn it on then I got antoher problem like this one: https://i.imgur.com/gGF1kOu.png
  • 1) Ai can't say that the problem is solved because I did something and now home page is correct but the next one is broken. And I don't understand what to do. 2) I found the shortcut but I can't create the same design as bestore theme have. So is i…
  • Okay I found that I used the wrong plugin. Now I install the right one and I like to ask you could you please send me the code that was used in store theme? Something like:  <p> <input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeh…
  • www.blueart.ee I also want to ask hot to install MailChimp newsletter form. After installing the store pre-built theme I saw that theme used the shortcode like [mc4wp_form] but where can I get or create that kind of form?
  • Hi I tried this but it did not work. So what do you think what I must to do now? Viktor
  • Hi, Thank you very much. It was very useful information for me. For example, I didn't know where can I find the shortcodes.  But I have another question about the menu panel. How to fit it or change the sizes? I if make changes in Header > layou…
  • Newsletter used in BESTORE pre-build https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/store/