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- webabordo
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We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
I have the same issue. I contacted the hosting provider (Dreamhost) and follow all the comments in this forum. Nothing... This is my phpinfo() http://www.luciayoga.com/phpinfo.php Any idea? Thanks in advance
Hi Thanks. I have created the slider item adding the slides content. how can I do to make the loop automatic like in your example (link below)? http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/shortcodes/content-blocks#contentslider Regards
Hi What do you mean "has been sorted"? Thanks!
Hello Now I am using be theme configuration, stack center for the menu. But it appears aligned on the left Please find the menu in the following link: http://www.footballteamcamps.com/en/home/ Thanks in advance
what can I change in the CSS?
Hi Yes, I saw that option. Thing is that I need the rev. slider above the main menu.
Hello there If I use my image instead of the logo, the image will appear at the main menu, and not above the menu. HOw shall I use the TOP hook for that purpose? could you send me an example? Regards Antonio
Hello thanks At least did you try with the Muffin builder and it works right? I am worry that I have all my texts in the muffin builder component and later I will have problem to translate it. Thanks again Antonio
Hello I see that you update your theme to 9.7 but I still see the same error reported Thanks
okis thanks
I knew it is in comment.php I leave the solution for other users. I would not be a bad idea to add it to the be theme. I love your theme ;) function comment_links_in_new_tab($text) { $return = str_replace('<a', '<a target="_blank"',…
Yes I know coding. Which file should I modify?
Now the static css option does not work. I followed the steps as I did before copy/paste style.php and /style-colors.php and when I active static css to ON. Appears the website different
It was because the static css. It is solved
Actually what I want, it is that the feature image does not appear bellow the header
@tschubarov I changed the size width - height finally
Hello there. I come again with the galleries. I just updated to the new version of Be theme and the galleries do not works This is the gallery code [gallery columns="6" size="medium" ids="2985,2984,2983,2982,2981,2980,2979,2…
Ups sorry. Now it works. Great. Thanks
click on any image of both gallery of every page, to see the differences Thanks
Maybe I explained myself bad. It is not the video. It is the food image gallery. Here the image gallery workhttp://www.luciayoga.com/test/ Here the image gallery (at the top) does not workhttp://www.luciayoga.com/yoga-the-white-villages/ And I cop…
Understood. Thanks again. I found another issue. I use use the same shortcode in different pages (copy/paste) and in one the prettyphoto in the gallery works and in another not. It freaks me out. Maybe you know why. I have prepared an example: I ha…
Thanks I resolved the issue. But I have another. How can I add the class "flat" to the gallery shortcode? I would like all the thumbnail together without margin. For example:[gallery link="file" columns="3" size="m…
Thanks for your time. Well, If I change the date in the publish section to another future date, it will change the status to schedule and the page will be unpublished. I guess there is not solution for that. I do not know the purpose of Be|Theme. It…
Hello. Thanks for your reply. How do I change the date of the post published for a future date? Example: I publish today my event (date appears 18/05/2015) but my upcoming event is on 12/12/2016. I want that the date that appear on the page is the d…