I have this error also. However After clicking "Save Changes" the settings come back - Roman007 try this. However when importing options, after the import, nothing can be changed and we go back to the blank page at /wp-admin/themes.php?page=muffin_options...
Please contact me privately for domain name if necasary. Is there another way to import options so this blank issue does not occur??
if Muffin Options are empty after installation, it means your server is limited. In this case we recommend to deactivate all plugins first and after that click “Save changes” button under empty Muffin Options panel. But if this won’t help, then please check topics below where we explained what may be limited on server side:
@Roman007 Sure, you can ask for a refund of course but in that case you must contact with Envato. However, in accordance to your question, everything has been explained in topics above. If reading other topics is so difficult for you, you should increase the following variables: upload_max_filesize, max_execution_time, post_max_size, memory_limit, max_input_vars
if Muffin Options are empty after installation, it means your server is limited. In this case we recommend to deactivate all plugins first and after that click “Save changes” button under empty Muffin Options panel. But if this won’t help, then please check topics below where we explained what may be limited on server side: