Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • @possummultimedia We added this option as well with last update. In Appearance > Menus > Manage locations settings you can setup menu for social icons section. Also menu can be setup in header bar instead of social icons.
  • is this one on the 4.4 update??
  • @possummultimedia Yes, it is included into 4.4 update.
  • You should be able to embed other elements into one. For example, I would love to put a progressbar into the content of an "List" item in the builder. Or otherwise you should be able to center the progressbars (the bar is very small in height and is aligned to the top. The list content is quite long so it would look a lot better if the progressbar was aligned to the center) :)

    I believe in some elements embedding works, but in List it just generates the text of the progressbar with a bullet in front of it :(
  • @GeFourcey Please make a screenshot of what you mean with necessary changes and also provide us url to website where you have those progress bars and we`ll check if this can be done with some css changes changes or not.
  • I would to next update the use rss of breking news report in home page at press theme 
  • edited September 2014
    I would like to have a progressbar for each of these "List" items:
    Here (A bit below)

    If you embed those bars in the content property, you'll get this:
    As you can see, there's no progressbar when it's embedded. Alternatively you can create a bar on the same row, but the bar is aligned to the top, which looks kinda awkward. An option for alignment would be nice. Centered it would look good :)
  • @mrz4s We`ll think about it of course.

    @GeFourcey Please send us access to your wp dashboard and FTP with explanation on pm and we`ll have a look on it. Link to page where this happen is also necessary.
  • How about using a fancy divider with sections that has background image?
  • Yes, dividers, and more dividers... it's one of the elements to make website unique.
  • implementing more tabbed content under single product page
  • A widget area under the nav menu for the open creative header would be great.
  • a zip file with just the updates would make upgrading simpler for me as you dont have an auto update feature.
  • @ganymede We have auto updates possibility. Our theme is compatible with Envato Toolkit plugin and you can update theme automatically.
  • Masonry for woocommerce shop definitely.
    Thank you.
  • edited October 2014
    Hi! Please add this moment :) !!!

    Display Product Discount/Offer percentage in bubble : WooCommerce
  • would be good to add a captcha plugin for contact form 7 :D!
  • @csargbr Contact Form 7 have captcha itself. More info about that you can read at
  • it would be nice if you have masonry style for image gallery than only grid style ;)
  • Very uncomfortable - no sidebars. You only have sidebars for pages and blog. You need to make sure that it was possible to put the sidebars wherever necessary. For example, the category, posts.

    I have a site and a lot of categories, but I can not put in all categories sidebar (sidebar or Dual sidebars).
  • First i would like to thank you for this very powerful theme. The theme has everything actually, i never needed any additional plugins which is a big added value to have a fast and seo friendly website.

    it might sound a little bit ridiculous, but i believe that the header sliding widget is hard to notice for an end user, so i suggest to make it customizable in the theme options, where we can edit the small notice triangle content, replace maybe the icon-down-open-mini by icon-info, or even replace it with a word like "click here for more info" , customize its size etc...

    i tried to replaced plus icon-down-open-mini by icon-info in line 37 in  /public_html/wp-content/themes/betheme/includes/header-sliding-area.php and it worked and it made it more visible, but i believe you can do better than that :D.

    Again thanks for this wonderful theme
  • social auto-posting is an essential tool to increase a website traffic and even conversion. i understand that developing such a tool already integrated in the muffin builder requires constant API updates and exhausting follow up, and you might think of it at later stages. in the mean while i want your recommendation about the best compatible plugin to install for this purpose, a plugin that wont decrease the theme load speed nor affect any of its features.

    i was using Nextscripts, what do you think?

  • edited October 2014
    Hi, i use the muffin bulder and and I want to say that he is awesome! Great ui/ux.
    Please add shortcode bulder in BeTheme v5.

    I would also like to have in the next versions:

    Flip box - builder element
    Proccess Steps - Option "Vertical Steps" for element
    Bullets for Testimonial Slider - i noticed that visitors are clicking on dots divider below name on element

    Typerwriter shortcode

    Section options:
    Parallax on mouse move

    Theme options:
    Icomoon or fontello support

    Thanks a lot for you hard work!
  • hi Muffin!
    your theme is fantastic. Since you have already included an events manager, could you create a version of Be theme for theater? (there are none on ThemeForest)

    check this theatre website:

    well, with your Be.theme, could you make one like this?

  • Ability to use ALL Font Awesome icons in your icon page builder items.
  • Hi! Love the theme and am enjoying learning how to use it.  For a beginner like me the support and discussion section is TOP NOTCH and SO HELPFUL!  One suggestion - (is there already?) Can you make it possible to SAVE some of the discussions?  I saw an answer to a question that I now have but didn't have when I saw the answer and I'm having a WICKED time finding the same post. =(
  • @designbyklee2014 Go to Edit profile > Notification Preferences section on this forum and select when you would like to get notifications about answer.
  • Ability to tag/categorize pages
  • Would like to be able to upload a diferent image for the logo, other than the one in the top bar fixed menu. I'm asking because, in most cases, the logo is not readable with small letters. would be nice to have a logo just as symbol in the top bar fixed menu, and another version of the logo in the main menu.

    here is an exemple:
  • Masonry for woocommerce shop, definitely!
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