Difference Between Layouts, Templates, Page Options, Muffin Builder Visual Composer


Sorry if this has been answered. I have been playing around and see how allot of things work. I'm confused about each section, it's role and how it differs from others.

If I download a sample site like the IT one. I see Page Options which I can edit. What is the difference between page options (which I think is a template?) and then clicking backend composer and adding a new section?

Aren't they both doing the same thing? I'm confused why I have page options then can also start creating new sections using backend composer, visual editor.

Is there a seciton that explains why there are many difference page editing / creating options? Eg Visual Composer, Templates, Layouts, Page Layouts etc.

There is also a section that requires shortcodes, why is this different from the Visual editor?

thank you!


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