As it seems, it is not possible to add custom icons. This is really bad, beacuse the available icons are really very limited. I for myself need special icons for the website. Would be great to add the feature "add custom icon"!!!
It's possible to use custom icons. I have installed the plugin "Better Font Awesome". And for example, on the iconbox widget, I'm able to write 'fa fa-smile-o' on the icon text-box and it works (don't select any icon, just write that).
Hi guys, I came here to give you a solution to add custom icon fonts...
splinterx says, you put the name of the class on an icon-box and it's done it works great and it looks so good....
Muffin Support jaque mate, we have a working and crossbrowsing solution to upload the icons we need, I feel that this guys who help us here on this forum, really don't know about develop or wordpress, but whatever...