Instructions for upgrading theme
I know you most likely have this information somewhere. I looked through the documentation files and also searched for it on this discussion forum but I could not find the directions to upgrade the Be theme.
I am just concerned about my website customisations. I have made a child theme and put all of my CSS customisations into the child theme. This is regular practice for me as it makes upgrading theme versions so much easier and less troublesome. I am just worried about other customisations that I have made through the Be Theme Options (under Appearance). Do I need to backup these? If so, how?
If you could point me towards your instructions for this process I would very much appreciate it.
One more thing, I think your changelog said it but your latest theme update is compatible with the latest version of the Woo Commerce plugin (2.3)?
all info about theme update you can read on and you don't need to worry about child theme because child theme is child theme and it won't be affected by theme update.
Yes, latest theme version is compatible with WooCommerce 2.3.3 but please also read this