Customize/override testimonial shortcode

edited August 2019 in Shortcodes

Before updating to version 21 I had personalized my testimonials: the names had the H5 label and I was not interested.
I customized the functions.php of my child theme with the code:

require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() .'/functions/theme-shortcodes.php' );

And I took the fragment of the themes-shortcodes.php from the testimonial (from the main theme) and copied it into the created folder "child-theme / functions / theme-shortcode.php.

It worked correctly until when I updated to version 21, the shortcodes stop working. So I put the original code again because the site crashes.

Can you tell me the most optimal way to be able to make the modification (override of the testimonial function) of code without having to edit the main theme files?


WP: 5.2.2
PHP: 7.2
Be: 21.3.3


  • Hello,
    I'm glad that you use the Child Theme - it will prevent losing your modifications while updating the theme.
    But, unfortunately we do not help with the theme files customizations.

    If you have some other questions/problems - feel free to ask.
  • edited August 2019
    I understand that you do not support customization. No problem.

    What I would like to know how I can do so that in the testimonies the title of the testimony is seen, since I do not see the option of being able to show or not the title.
    If you have not developed this functionality, could you tell me what function to use to put in my code?

    I have seen that in class-mfn-post-type-testimonial.php there is only in the array: desc, author, company and link.
    Would it be possible to add the variable that is already in the Wordpress BO title?

    It would be a good help for the community, I think.

  • Sorry, but I cannot help you with that.
    We do not help with the theme files customizations and I cannot make any exceptions.
    Testimonials are just a Custom Post Type which can be modificated by the basic wordpress functions.
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