Revolution Slider bug ( Gtmetrix and Google Light house problems )


I see problem in this path : revslider/public/assets/js/rs6.min.js?ver=6.3.6


I’m using your plugin with wp-rocekt for optimizing on betheme

and that warning came from and Google Light house

Would you please tell me how to fix that?


  • Hello,

    As you can see, that file comes from the Revolution Slider(revslider) plugin, not betheme itself - so you have to contact their support instead of us.

    You have to be aware, that Revolution Slider is really huge and impressive plugin, so it's normal than even minified version of file can weight a little bit.


  • edited February 2021

    Yes I know that , as you know , I get revslider bundled with Betheme , and when I asked them to help , they insist to purchase the theme and opening ticket to their website and they are not responsible for any thing on it.

    And because you have connected to Thempunch , I asked here and you maybe aske them.

    and it's my prof about asking this issue first form the author

  • edited February 2021

    Well, in this case we are not able to do anything at all, because we did not change anything in the core file of the revolution slider, we just distribute the file as it is (from plugin's author).

    The only thing we done is optimizing the theme files, to make sure that our theme is fully functional with that plugin.

    If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.


  • It would be grate

    The only thing we done is optimizing the theme files, to make sure that our theme is fully functional with that plugin.

    Thank you very much.

  • So, is there anything else I can do for you?


  • This is the message from thempunch.

  • edited February 2021

    We really want to help you, but in that case, Envato rules tell, that we cannot modify bundled plugins in any way, only the plugin's author can do that (Themepunch), we provide official files from the plugin author.

    The only way to solve that problem is to buy their extended support (or product, if support is included too), and solve that problem with you.

    We provide fully functional theme, which is ready for the Revolution Slider and the size, the way how plugin works does not have anything in common with us.


  • edited February 2021

    I understand completely ? I just need help to optimize the rev slider js file for fixing issue of gtmetrix

    in last message I sent you picture form the author of rev slider

    and this message is came from there before that image :


    I’m afraid, I’m not sure about the problem you are referring. please hire site optimisation expert and get it consult issue with them and they will be able to help you with that.


  • I know what is your target, and if this is the response from official author, then you have to do that :(


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