Content in WP Bakery tabs disappeared completely


my problem is that content in WP Bakery tabs disappeared completely without warning or notice of failure. It is just gone. I have around 6 tabs, each of the tabs has 1 - 6 tabs, on my content sites. Within the tabs I use Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder. When I work on the tabs, the loading is pretty slow.

Here are two examples.

At the end of the site you can see, that the tab just broke and only part of the content is left. The rest disappeared (also in the backend)

At the end of the site, the tab also broke and besides the rest of the content you can see the code. The other tabs on this site just disappeared (also in the backend)

I experienced that problem the third time now on different content sites. I have no idea what the problem could be. System status is o.k.

Can you help me please?

Best regards



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