For woocommerce breadcrumbs we use default woocommerce_breadcrumb so if you want to modify it, you have to make necessary customizations in child theme if woocommerce allows to use any filters for that function. Further details you will find in WooCommerce doc
For woocommerce breadcrumbs we use default woocommerce_breadcrumb so if you want to modify it, you have to make necessary customizations in child theme if woocommerce allows to use any filters for that function. Further details you will find in WooCommerce doc
On all pages, product categories page, single product pages I am using the "Breadcrumbs" element (attached screen).
It works good, but does not show parent categories if the existing category or product has it.
How can I use default woocommerce_breadcrumb?
How can I add it as a element of a page?
Thank you.
Are you sure that you use Bradcrumbs element marked with Woo logo in the right top corner of element?
Fixed, I used simple Breadcrumbs, not Breadcrumbs WOO.
Thank you.