Want to embed 'scorecard' using iframes?
i have tried to use the code in the attached file with this URL to embed it on a webpage here: https://northstarpeople.co.uk/rpo-readiness/
Doesn't seem to have worked on how I've done it, could you please suggest how to correctly embed?
You used the Code element, which is not for parsing code, but if you want to show it on your website.
Please, use the Plain Text / HTML element instead.
Best regards
thanks and is there a way to get it so that the element doesn't have its own scroll and is part of the page? Shows like this currently https://northstarpeople.co.uk/rpo-readiness/
You need to increase the iframe height.
Best regards
do you have a suggestion for the height and width?
You have to check on your own which dimensions will work best, but in the screenshot example, as you can see, there is no scroll, and width is set to 1920px, and the height is 2000px.
Best regards