

I have always used Elementor in fact I have uploaded the Elementor one, the problem is that some things change with element and it doesn't save them and some with BeBuilder, the link is this https://www.sottosoprasexyshop.com, if you need to enter in the panel send me an email where I can send you the wordpress credentials thanks



  • Hi,

    Sorry, but I quite do not understand.

    Can you explain your issue in more detail, please?


  • edited June 2023

    Hi, I wrote to you about a problem with the template and I need urgent assistance because I have to deliver the work before uploading 500 products. If you can kindly answer the problem, if you need the credentials, I'll send them to you, also because you can't see the site. is offline thanks for your quick response

  • But I still do not understand what the problem is. Would you be so kind as to explain that in more detail, please? It will also help if you attach screenshots showing your issue.

    When you describe your problem, please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • edited June 2023


    I'll try to explain the problem with photo number 1 the menu above with the red circle, by clicking on adjuvants instead of going to the products it goes to the blog. Photo 2 the problem when you click on the menu the other items go below and not alongside the menu itself and so with the sub-menu. Photo 3 on the desktop the slider and this one on the mobile and the original one so I don't know why it doesn't change it. Photo 4 on the phone I can't replace and show the footer menu and logo. Hoping to be understanding enough, I await your confirmation

  • edited June 2023

    I sent you the data to enter wordpress let me know if you can understand me because I translate via translate thanks

  • Sorry, but we didn't get any message from you yet.

    Please check your mail inbox for our response. Look also inside the spam folder.

    If you don't have any message from us, please send your login credentials again.

    Ensure you send all the required information mentioned in the previous message.

    • link to this forum discussion
    • link to your website
    • login credentials


  • hi, send it to you via
    Thank you

  • sottosoprasexyshop.com/wp-login.php

  • edited June 2023

    Hi, I sent you the data to enter the panel but to

    this day I don't know why you didn't do it, it means that as I

    was wrong to buy this theme with all the ones I bought bridge port and phlox Pro Greemly

    and the first I suspect that I am having problems with support and that they are not

    responding to my questions or problems. I hope we will solve the problem today

    because otherwise I will have problems with the customer thanks

  • Sorry, but you wrote beyond my working time, so I could not even see your message and check your problem. For the future, please note that we work Mon - Fri and send answers on the forum three times a day at 12 PM, 2 PM, and 4 PM (we are located in central Europe). ?

    Please also do not share your login credentials publicly because others can see them. That is why I asked to use the contact form for the private message.

    1) I clicked on the menu link, and it direct to the appropriate category.

    Does it happen on a particular page, or are there any steps to reproduce that?

    2) You used Mega Menu templates, which always display submenus vertically. For such simple construction, you should use a regular submenu like this:

    3) You did not change this image in the Slider construction.

    4) We are currently working on a builder for this side menu, and there is no option to add a second menu from the footer, and to add a logo, you need to create a new menu for mobile display with a custom link add logo as the first menu item.

    After that, you need to choose this menu in the header templates.

    Best regards

  • hi, I made the menu as you told me but you can only see 6 sub-categories because, you can enter and check thanks

  • I managed to fix it, as you told me, but I'm not able to change color in the menu when it's active could you tell me where to change color Thanks

  • You can set it up in the header template in the menu element options.

    Notice that there are two header templates, and you need to do that for both of them.

    Best regards

  • edited June 2023

    Hello, meanwhile thanks for your help, I still have some problem, in the blog I would like to know why under my photos it says underwear on all the photos, and where to remove it, secondly I deleted the author and name from the bethemae panel always remains on the site, I have a problem changing the blog type to insert the band next to it and it doesn't, I would like to edit the blog with Elementor since I know it well but it does it with the WordPress editor why? the text on the home page was going out and now it doesn't come out anymore, i want to change the main photo of the blog as a page but it doesn't the photo is there but you can't see it, thanks for the help you will surely give me the password and the user are always that Thank you

    I want a blog with tags and categories next to it in the right column like this site of mine https://termofire.it which is in the news you can tell me or you can make it to me anyway and be able to modify it with Elementor also because the customer will have to add articles by himself Thank you

  • 1) Blog page populates with posts automatically and can be controlled in the theme options. Please see the following video tutorial:


    2) The "UNDERWEAR" text is placed in the global template and can be removed/changed there.

    3) This blog style does not display categories. You need to switch the style to one of these:

    Best regards

  • edited June 2023

    Hi, I have problems with the blog and everything has changed to how it was in the demo and I'm not able to fix it I'm missing the photo above and with the Builders it doesn't make me change anything I see the blog page as a photo, you can't see the Elementor either help me thanks

  • maybe the upload was not successful

  • edited June 2023

    Hi, I have problems with the blog and everything has changed to how it was in the demo and I'm not able to fix it I'm missing the photo above and with the Builders it doesn't make me change anything I see the blog page as a photo, you can't see the Elementor either help me thanks

  • removed from all photos but comes out on contacts and some pages you can still enter to see you kindly thank you

  • 1) Blog page in the Elementor version of this demo was created as a regular page with a Blog element.

    It was not editable because the blog page was assigned in the WP settings, and Elementor does not handle editing this kind of page. I have changed it.

    Now you can edit the Blog page with Elementor.

    2) Please also check the Section background overlay for this "UNDERWEAR" text.

    Best regards

  • edited June 2023

    Hi, because when I go to the products the colors and the menu next to me go above me and don't stay on the page and a problem how do I get it fixed below thanks

  • another thing where I can remove the Biligerie writing from woocommerce products

  • 1) Please try the following CSS code:

     min-height: 1400px;

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    2) I can see that you changed the BeLingerie text on your website. Do you still need help with that?

    Best regards

  • edited June 2023

    hi thanks for the help but it still has that defect that when you enter the products it goes to color and menu

  • if you enter the wordpress, you will see the site and entering the site on the categories you will see that the menu always goes above the css I added it but it doesn't work

  • perfect all right he traced the word in Italian and I didn't notice now all right Thanks

  • edited June 2023

    Yes, that is right. The CSS was changed to Italian.

    It should be precisely the same as I sent you, and I have corrected it. ?

    Best regards

  • edited June 2023


    I'm still looking for help :)) I have problems with the blog I've tried everything, I want the description of the article to appear on the page of each article, on the left of the page I should see the tags, the categories I insert, and below the comments with eventual icon if the article was liked or not, how should I do in the widgets I couldn't insert anything because you can't see the blog|slidebar how should I do thank you in advance, if you could kindly answer me as soon as you see the comment there is I would be grateful. Thank you

  • edited June 2023


    I'm still looking for help :)) I have problems with the blog I've tried everything, I want the description of the article to appear on the page of each article, on the left of the page I should see the tags, the categories I insert, and below the comments with eventual icon if the article was liked or not, how should I do in the widgets I couldn't insert anything because you can't see the blog|slidebar how should I do thank you in advance, if you could kindly answer me as soon as you see the comment there is I would be grateful. Thank you

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