How to divide in the porfolio between case studies and clients
You have been helping me to build this page:
But I would like to create another section called "Clients",
I know you used some CSS to make it work.
It is too complicated to do?
Thank you
Sorry there was a problem with the POST DISCUSSION button, so I am adding all the other info here:
you find the help you gave me here;
Also whatch this video to understand
thank you, the video is better than any screenshot
For that, you would have to use another Post Type. A blog could do the job, but if you already use this post type, you would have to create a new one with file customization or some plugin.
FYI the plugin that we support and offer such an option is Toolset.
Best regards
we use the blog for the actual blog, like articles (and they are in the making).
So what does this plug in does? It helps to create another section such as case studies?
So shall i do not touch case studies at all?
My question in.... can I filter the "case studies" i display in a page, by categories? Like main categories?
And the main category is CASE STUDIES?
and the other main category is CLIENTS?
then there are the sub categories which are the ones now showed as categories?
I really like the CASE STUDIEs LOOK NOW AND would like to keep it.
Please reccomend
In your case, "CASE STUDIES" is a main portfolio page, so "CLIENTS" can be at least in the category of the "CASE STUDIES" but cannot be on the same "level". If you want to have something like "CASE STUDIES," it needs to be a separate Post Type.
With Toolset you can have archive pages, and choose what to display there.
Best regards
IT is too expensive for what I need.
I will just create pages and name them as I want.
This is too expensive and sunds very complicated.
Please tell me if there is any other way you may remember of think of in the future, and reply here.
Thank you,
So I made a decision you can see in this video:
but I would like to avoid to see the section related to the portfolio categories, can you help me with that?
You can try to reconstruct that to change case studies to category and add clients category so that it will be on the same level, or as you mentioned, you can create pages, but I do not know all nuances you want to have there.
Best regards