From Elementor to Betheme

edited October 2023 in BeBuilder

Good morning,

I have to work on a site that currently uses Elementor, but I want to install Betheme (because I know your platform better).

Can I use Elementor and Betheme together without problems?

Or, is there a way to convert the Elementor contents to fit into Betheme blocks?

Or am I forced to recreate all the pages with Betheme?


  • Hi,

    Sure, you can use Elementor with our theme. We support this plugin, and almost every pre-built website is created in two versions: BeBuilder and Elementor.

    However, there is no option to convert content from Elementor to BeBuilder. They are different builders and have different structures, so unfortunately, such conversion is impossible.

    So if you would like to use BeBuilder instead, you would have to recreate your pages.

    Best regards

  • Ok, so once I download a pre builder theme does it also load on the pages and blog posts that have already been created with Elementor? and Then I edit them with Elementor?

     Or is there a particular procedure to be able to see the new theme on pages and articles already built with Elementor?

  • Every demo that has an Elementor version is labeled with the Elementor logo.

    If in the import process, you select the Elementor version, then you can edit pages with this builder.

    Best regards

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