Add_to_cart shortcode used in custom template for Single Product page


is it possible to format how the add_to_cart shortcode displays its items?

In the template when I add the item to the page it display the "quantity" and the "button" in separate lines under eachother for Standard products. I want to use the Booster for Woocommerce addon to add one ore more custom input fields for chosen products and it adds the field to the add_to_cart shortcode I suppose because in the addon settings I'm able two chose from two options (add the item before or after the add to cart).

So, as I said for Standard products there is a line break between items, quantity, button, fields are under eachother.

However, for Variable products for some reason there is no line break, it puts all the items into one line.

Attaching picture to show the issue.

Is it possible ot design this somehow or set line breaks for items in the shortcode?



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