BeBuilder - not loading

Hi recently bought BeThemes and been using Bebuilder to build the pages.

In needing to edit a product template and BeBuilder is refusing to load.

It just hangs on the loading screen.

This is for any page.

I've switch between the child them etc the parent theme and get the same issue.

Removed the plugins and still doesn't load.


  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • The WP login credentials you have sent do not work:

    Also, FTP access leads to an empty catalog:

    Please send another message with the working and correct credentials.


  • edited July 2024

    I have responded, a few hours ago via the contact forum, with updated credentials.

    I have tried disabled all plugins, and re-installed on another staging server using a backup and restore.

    On the second site the bebuilder does eventually load for the page, but not for the layouts. :/

    FYI it was working fine, last week during development of the site. It happened a couple of times yesterday, but eventually did work. Then today completely fails to load.


    I also see that someone else has the same issue:

  • Any update on this?

    Every time I open Bebuilder, it now crashes the site.


    WordPress version 6.5.5

    Active theme: Betheme Child (version 2.0.1)

    Current plugin: WooCommerce (version 9.0.2)

    PHP version 8.3.8

  • I have deactivated all plugins, and activated them again, and everything started to load correctly:

    I assume that it might be because of the SpeedyCache plugin.

    We suggest activating the caching plugin after you finish working on your website.

    Best regards

  • I've managed to add a product on and then BeBuilder failed again.

    I did what you did, above with the plugins and it came back.

    Surely, this shouldn't be happening, for just adding content?

    Do I have to deactivate and reactive the plugins every time?

  • Did you check if this happens when the SpeedyCache plugin is inactive?

    Best regards

  • Hi Yes,

    As you recommended I've deleted that plugin for the time being and I've not had any issues so far.

    Many thanks

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