Put a photo gallery or slider inside an accordion
I have a client who is wanting to show several different photo galleries on a single page. However, he would like them hidden until someone is ready to look at them.
I have tried putting a photo gallery or a slider inside an accordion or tabs element. The first tab works great, but the second one doesn't.
Is there a way to do something like this? We are trying to avoid having a really long page with lots of photos showing at the same time so it's less overwhelming and users can choose to see the photos they are interested in rather than all of the photos.
I didn't see any real options in the documentation, but you probably have a better idea how to accomplish this than I do.
Thanks so much.
Tabs and accordions do not support content that uses JS, and the elements you mentioned use it.
As a workaround, I can suggest putting multiple image shortcodes to imitate the gallery view:
To have multiple columns per row, use the Column shortcode:
Best regards
Thank you! I will try that.
That works great! Thank you so much for the suggestion.