Unable to get Muffin Builder to work?


I built a private demo, using BeTheme version 8.8. 

When i exported everything I had created over to a different domain, the new domain has the newest BeTheme (10.1). 

Everything imported fine into the new domain - but I now: 
  • I cannot get any of the Muffin Editor options to work. I am unable to edit, delete, export, or import anything in Muffin. 
  • My browser shows a Javascript:void(0) error in lower left corner of screen when I click or hover over any of the Muffin options. Nothing happens. 
  • I'm also unable to preview the work - nothing happens when I click the "preview" button - but the "publish" button does work. 
I cannot tell if this is a Wordpress issue, a BeTheme problem, or a setting within my new laptop? 

Additional notes: 
  • This is a brand new site, with a new wordpress install. 
  • I've installed, deleted, and reinstalled the BeTheme 10.1, as well as all the pages & posts, just in case there were installation errors. 
  • I've checked this in both Chrome and MS Edge, in case this was a browser issue.Same problems (those are the only browsers I have right now - as my laptop is literally 1 day old) 
Any suggestions? This is very odd. 


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