Adding text to slider
Hi guys,
Trying to setup slider using slider revolution, can add in background image but when trying to add in text I cannot add or select font, colour etc. All these options are greyed out. I also can't even type in the text for this text layer.
Also tried to add in a button and this also doesn't work.
I have followed your documentation but it's still not working, what I am doing wrong?
Kim Howell
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
We didn't get any message from you.
Please check your mail and your spam mail folder. Maybe you get a response from us.
If not, please send us message again and be sure that all
asked informations are inserted into the message.
Local value is always limited to global value.
If your hosting cannot provide increasing max input vars, all we can suggest is changing the hosting provider.
Local value is always limited to global value.
Is utterly incorrect!
`master` is either the value compiled into PHP, or set via a main `php.ini` directive. e.g. The value that's in effect when PHP fires up, before it executes any of your code.
`local` is the value that's currently in effect at the moment you call `phpinfo()`. This local value is the END result of any overrides that have taken place via `ini_set()` calls, `php_value` directives in httpd.conf/.htaccess, .user.ini etc.
Have did a internet search and it might be due to a plugin conflict. Disabling each one in turn and clearing cache. Trying that now and slider rev now not working (wasn't the plugin I disabled). Getting the double jquery message again.
lets forget about the hosting for a moment. We created a new page on your current server and it works fine. We have built it with Visual Composer and the front-end and back-end editor works fine and saves.
Please tell us where and when you cannot use this plugin. If you create longer pages and the content does not save then it is most likely a max_input_vars issue.
You said you are using a multisite but this page is not on a multisite enviroment. If it is, please change this option in theme options>global>advanced
Muffin Builder is our editor, which we recommend to use.
It has more items and works better with our theme.
WPBakery is a plugin. We didn't make it.
Many users prefer to use it, but it's a matter of habit.
It's not possible to use a WPBakery and Muffin Builder at the same time - it makes issues, the items don't appear or work badly.
Also, our pre-built websites are made with Muffin Builder, and the way we make it(items) are not visible in WPBakery editor.
I didn't see that you answered.
Your slider have only one image, and it's a transparent.png
Please change the slide to other, maybe one of ours.
Here is a screenshot for better understanding: