Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • I would be really cool if you could make the text logo change colors while scrolling depending on background color. I cannot make it work, but here are the codes of someone who can:
  • edited June 2020
    Hi Muffin Group.

    i have a few suggestions for accessibility:
    • accessibity via keyboard (e.g. the submenu doesn't seem to be accessible via keyboard) (VERY IMPORTANT)
    • perfect would also be to have a focus on selected parts (while nvigating via keyboard)
    • integrated switch for high contrast (neccessary for people with poor eyesight) with color definition in betheme options
    • ARIA lables
    • option for reading out text and alternative descriptions for blind people
    Thanks! :-)

    p.s. Here is the handbook from WordPress for making a theme accessible... I think a lot of this should be naturally by now...

    p.p.s: here is a great sollution for accessible menu and submenu via keyboard:
  • Hi I guess one important feature in shopping cart websites are the ability to have add to cart on shop pages. Not on hover, but as a standard option.  Let me explain in detail.
    check this page. Here the products are displayed, but to add that
    product we need to mouse over on the product. Instead the add to cart is displayed below the product image would be easier. (imagine many people use mobile, plus many web users are not etch savvy)

    is due to these days there are many shops without add to cart features,
    (I have built woo commerce websites without shopping features) so the users might think they don't have option to add to cart. If that
    same icon is below, user experience becomes better. Just the add to
    cart button below the image instead of mouse over.

  • Hi,

    it's about the filter in the Blog item:

    [blog count="2" style="modern" columns="2" category="" category_multi="" exclude_id="" more="1" filters="0" pagination="0" load_more="" greyscale="0" margin=""]

    The filter (filters="1") only shows if all categories are shown. The filter hides if I set one of the attributes "category" or "category_multi". In my case, none of these makes sense.I have a parent category with more than a dozen child categories. I want to show categories belonging to the parent category only and enable the user to filter for a single child category.

    Right now, I cannot do this and use CSS to hide unwanted categories from the filter. But of course these categories still appear in the unfiltered result. See here:

    Can you update the filter to show if attributes "category" or at least "category_multi" is set?
  • add Fancy Heading to the "dark" class

    .dark .fancy_heading .title {
       color:#fff !important;
  • I think it's time to make your theme more shopping user friendly by developing the woocommerce mini cart  on click to show cart content and easily to remove or add stock or products, and not to be necessary for customers to go each time to cart page to see what they have there and if changes need to be made.

    This would be very helpful for all Betheme Woocommerce users!

  • Compatibility with Rank Math (via API?) or not.


  • Common guys 2020 and still not possible to make a two columns mobile design?!!!

    And you suggest us to use Elementor for that purposes. I know it's hart to compete in the wordpress builders segment. But that's not the case, in fact people who use BeTheme are using it, because of the simplicity of it's builder. 

    I'm using BeTheme because of Muffin Builder, because it's easy to work with and has almost everything I need. 

    If I have to use Elementor I wont use it with BeTheme, I'll rather use it with Astra theme or GeneratePress, as they are lightweight themes. 

    Actually I have Elementor Expert license, I've done some websites but I really hate it, as it's slow performing, unable to use other plugins with Elementor build pages and many, many reason more.

    I prefer buying license of BeTheme for each website, because I love to work with Muffin Builder. So a little more improvement of your builder supporting two or multiple columns in mobile view wont hurt you, it would be very appreciated among the BeTheme community.
  • edited June 2020
    La possibilité d'ajouter une description en bas des pages catégories woocommerce.

    Après les produits.
  • allow overlay menu to be utilized in be header builder
  • I second amtenbrink's statement on 2nd June about accessibility.  It is now a mandatory issue for many clients we deal with in the UK.  There are a number of accessibility Themes out there now which are good, but having paid for a number of BeTheme licences, it would be nice to know we can count on it to meet this important standard.

    Thanks as usual.
  • Hello.  I would like to change the default setting to my portfolio and Blog options 
    I would like the portfolio and blog to default setting to be changed and set as a template or similar. 

    This is an exmple of what i have to change every time i make a new item.
    intro header selected instead of default.
    use featured image as header image under media
    and under advance - Intro | Options to have full screen and parallax selected 
    example below

    image show options i would like selected by defualt

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

    This image has been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.
  • Please add floated widget option 
  • My suggestion is simple. A ZOOM IN/OUT in the slider editor. Is uncomfortable to work scrolling down and up to see the entire result.
  • it would be great to be able to change the background-color of the main menu (classic header) in the whole width.

    so far it only can be done for each menu item or for the complete header including logo and search area...


  • More than 2 custom fonts.
    Import Google Fonts via Checkbox because of GDPR
  • Dear muffingroup,

    I've now purchased 10 licenses and planning to continue using your theme for future projects. I find that it is very well constructed, very well thought out, and superior to most themes on the market today.

    My team insisted on using Elementor for the last year for many of our projects, and we've done about 20 projects with it. I want to tell you that the muffin builder is superior to elementor (which was coupled with OceanWP, Astra, and even One - the official elementor theme) - I've found that BeTheme outperformed them all.

    This means that you are one of the best alternatives on the market to elementor.
    (to clarify - Muffin builder is better! I can testify to this myself).
    This understanding can help you achieve much greater market share, as you deserve.

    Therefore, I would suggest that strategically you position yourself as the elementor alternative, and emphasize the points where elementor is lacking and you are better:
    1. Faster builder
    2. Easier to work with templates
    3. CSS friendly!
    4. Less bloated code

    You are the top solution for professionals, and this means you should emphasize this.
    Look at Oxygen builder and their approach, which is gaining much popularity:
    (And I still believe the muffin builder is better)

    ---continued, next message---

  • Therefore, I think that your strategic development points should be:
    (1) Implementing google AMP
    (2) Improving pagespeed insights score and recommending plugins that work well with BeTheme (I could write a guide that features BeTheme with great pleasure to help move this development forward)
    (3) Making the builder even faster & easier (A full width one-click button would be wonderful next to +/-)
    (4) Keeping "elements" to a minimum (in Elementor there are way too much, I love how you have few, but all that are required)
    (5) Marketing as the #1 theme for professionals, developing smarter tools for professionals. (For instance, have a button that says "copy to all" in the fonts setup screen, instead of changing the fonts one-by-one)

    I would be happy to provide more specific feedback and many more ideas, some of which my team would be happy to implement / help with, and work with your team to help you make BeTheme even better.

    Thank you kindly for all your work and wonderful creation,

    -Dan Luria, all internet

  • It will be great if you would add pagination feature for the testimonials page for people that have lots of testimonials and than the page become very long

    Thanks, really hope that this will be development on the features

  • On the Advanced Map block, enable by default for the zoom and panning command using Ctr + mouse scroll o Cmd + mouse scroll and in mobile two fingers Link the Simple Map.

    Happens frequently that maps are at the top and full width and makes difficult on mobile to scroll the page, because I pan the map instead of scrolling the page.
  • Avada offers global element(& containers, rows, columns) capabilities which makes making site wide changes much more efficient within their theme. Would be nice for be theme to offer similar functionality for better admin workflow. 
  • Add "Essential Grid" plugin as a supported plugin, please. ThemePunch is already in your list with "Slider Revolution". "Essential Grid" is premium plugin that allows you to build great looking image grids ang has 45,000 sales in envato market.
  • Woud be essential for Google "Map" and "Map Advanced" in Muffin Builder to get a GDPR Support by deactivating at first load with fallback Image and customers choice to load the map.
  • we live in 2020 and i think it´s time must add a field to put the instagram account in the "our team" in muffin builder - don't you think? - someone in 2019 made the same request. Please! it´s an easy issue. ;)
  • Integration with AMP pages.

    In general more personalization for mobile version. For example:
    • Horizontal padding that works great in desktop design, is pretty ugly in mobile one.
    • Also, vertical padding in desktop with high values are cool, but on mobile are exaggerated
    • Add the possibility every wrap and block to be shown only on mobile and/or tablet and/or desktop
  • Please,add an option - Custom font in Header Builder

  • I will use this thread to share some of my ideas, as they come up - I think that BeTheme should be the developer's choice.

    AMP was already mentioned - let me elaborate and say that I had a client request "Data Structure" - schema markup. For better SEO.
    Also, better pagespeed insights rankings from the get-go.
    And, recommended mix of optimization / WP Rocket / Autoptimize / WP Super Cache / GZip Compression / etc. plugins that are optimal to BeTheme to ensure the website is super fast. 

    + Tool: Automatic text to excerpt in all pages (for the search function). Just like the SEO function, just for excerpts - instead of doing it manually.
    + Tool: Text replacement in muffin builder (I downloaded a plugin somebody created somewhere, I think it should be built in, works great.)

    + Reusable templates - I've seen this requested quite a bit. So that when a reusable template is updated, it gets updated everywhere across the website. This is especially important when you want to update a call to action across an entire website. I would use the existing module, having a "linked" and "unlinked" option for the templates.

    + Learndash support. This is one of the leading LMS systems, which are becoming more and more popular. Having the muffin builder work in the lesson / course pages is a big plus, and it's probably a small adjustment that's needed. You can boast that you fully support Learndash.
    I think there is some spanish guy that modified BeTheme to support it and he's selling child themes by the dozens at $10 each. The solution could be quite simple. I also think he's included sidebar support (also very valuable)

  • + Multiple items update, If I'm working with a structure of 8 icon boxes, having a update all function could be really useful. Basically if I want to update all 8, I would select all of them, edit the first one - and whatever change I make would automatically incorporate in all 8.
    This is also super useful for dividers.

    + Dividers should have the margin size listed and editable outside of them - super useful.

    + Dividers - add another field - a mobile margin size, which is many times different than the desktop size.

  • + Main Theme Colors to pop up in color picker. (Usually there are 2-3 main colors in the palette, it would be great if they "show up" anywhere there is a color picker as the quick selection.

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