Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • I think it would be extremely useful that in the sections where there are gradients you can exchange the colors.

    Personally this option is in many frameworks that I use and it saves you seconds during the day. It's just an idea :)



    Just as there is the Custom CSS option in the page options, there is also a Custom JS.


  • edited May 2022


    It would be ideal that, if you have the Yoast SEO plugin installed, that you can have the snipet to be able to see the preview, modify the title and the meta description, and, this option is very important, that there be the "advanced" section.

    In my case, if BeBuilder (or Betheme in general) had the option to select the meta robots, I repeat, in my case I wouldn't need to use Yoast.

    Perhaps if, for whatever reason, it is impossible to insert the Yoast snipet, perhaps it would be good to have within your own SEO configuration the option to select the meta robots.


  • A couple of extra WooCommerce features would be lovely.

    • A WooCommerce 'added to cart' pop-up with cross sell options.
    • Upsell 'order bump' at checkout.
    • One-click upsell post checkout.
  • Some row reveal animations and triggers would be a nice addition

  • @Phil recommended me to suggest here :)

    Your development is as always, amazing!

    I wanted to ask if maybe you guys have it already but if not then maybe it could be a good suggestion for future updates.

    I was wondering if there is a way that we can use a shortcode to trigger the the LOVE BOX anywhere we want to use it?

    To put it in context, I am using the grid builder of WPBakery and I would like to use the love box feature of Post grid built in to Betheme as part of the post grid builder via shortcode.

    Please let me know if you need more info.


  • Hello everyone,

    My suggestion is for the portfolio filter.

    Maybe you could develop some different ways of display the filters. For example, a sellection box.

    Also we cannot distinguish, in the filter, the categories from their sub categories.

    Keep the good work!!?

  • Hi all,

    It'd be great if we could add captions to individual images in the image gallery elements when clicking on the photos!

  • Hi,

    It would be great if there was also a way to insert a "featured image" thumbnail for posts using a remote url (from a external website) , instead of it being uploaded directly to the media gallery


  • Hi,

    Today I discovered a new constructor that is "cooking". It's called BreakDance and the truth is that it has many of the features provided by BeBuilder, but BreakDance has others that are very, very interesting (such as being able to insert native WordPress variables, among others).

    I recommend that you watch the explanatory video (about 20min).

    I do not want to place links to avoid spam or anything to see, but it is easy to find.

    I hope you can take a look at it to improve and increase all the great possibilities that BeBuilder currently has.

    All the best!

  • hi muffin team ,

    i think its time to add social modules elements . also in page import , allow importing images and media too.

  • hqlhql
    edited August 2022

    Would be great if when saving a template and we choose the category to display the template in the drop down the content be displayed in hierarchical order so

    Parent Category

    Child Category

    Child Category,

    Currently its being displayed in some random order which is so confusing!

  • I'd like to see the option to keep the header and footer on custom error 404 pages. Thanks!

  • We used WPML to implement the multi-language, and can you implement the following function with using the different fonts for the different language by WPML, thanks.

  • Here I read:

    "Just upload a featured image while editing the page BeTheme will recognize that change and overwrite the default image"

    It works on pages but not on post or portfolio. I miss a easy way in Betheme to choose that; so that the feature image could be background in the header as well. :)

  • These are some of my hopes for soon to be included features:

  • I suggested the feature for the global colors at least 3 times, and as you mentioned, it would be great that these colors are also CSS variables usable in Custom CSS, and every place are needed.

    Will be also great if all colors in the Theme option have also a CSS variable.

    Also, the other two suggestion are for me great ideas.

  • I would love a good integration with:

    Wp All Import by Softlyy (being able to select various BeTheme settings and templates based on variables from import OR more integration friendly resources where we could find the ID of templates and forms, to use in custom fields for import)

    WooCommerce Linked Variations by Iconic (support for BeTheme swatches would be nice)

    Native integration for NEX-Forms or other contact form plugins.

  • edited August 2022

    It is possible already though to use CSS-variables. Just create a custom CSS file somewhere, e.g. the theme's option pages, and then just use your CSS-vars instead of the color hex, e.g. var(--primary) or var(--secondary).

    This works very well, and I am using it with great joy (such a time saver). The thing I miss from this is the color preview in the settings are not working well when using vars.

  • I would have the Photoshop, Illustrator files and original images for the pre-built websites.

    In this way is much easier to:

    • change colors of icons
    • change color of decorations in images
    • replace images

    You can add an option during the import process to download a zip file with all the images, Photoshop, Illustrator files.

    Would be greater to have this file on all pre-built websites that you made, not only the future ones.

  • We would like to have an option to move the product tag description to the bottom of the page. we use product tag a lot and it's kind of ugly to have it

  • Would like to see options to show WPML flags on the right corner, I mean same place there are shop icons.

  • Make an AMP version / option for the theme

  • Mega Menu functionality like

  • Hi!

    Suggesting you check out the plug-in PublishPress Future that allows to add expiration dates to Pages, Posts etc:

    I think it would be a great idea to include this plugin/feature in BeTheme. Actually I'm wondering how something this great isn't already in every theme :) Superhandy with different kinds of show, events, sales etc that have an ending date when the post should be removed from eg front page.

    br, henna

  • Just a way to rearrange the order of the images within a gallery.

    Like ordering by title, date, random


  • Hello, The icon library needs to be expanded for the menu buttons.I still can't find the icon I'm looking for in this limited library.This expansion can also be done by us. For example, it may be possible to upload hundreds of icon files to this library.


    I am a carpet trader. I went through most e-commerce themes and couldn't find a carpet theme. None of them has a theme about it. Carpets are used for homes in my country. And I'm trading these carpets. And I am looking for a carpet theme for my e-commerce site. Can you design a carpet theme like a single product page? Can you add this to Bebuilder themes?

  • the sidebar widgets areas should have default fonts & background colors, they should not inherit settings in theme options

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