Product template and WPML

Good morning.

I am translating Woocommerce products into multiple languages. I created a template for the product page with Betheme and I translated it too, but when I change language on the single product page, I am still left with the template in Italian.

How can I solve this?

Thank you and bet regards.



  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


  • Ok, thank you.

    I refer to

    Site is currently in development, but visible.

  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • I have contacted the dev team, and this functionality needs improvement.

    Right now, all your products (in all languages) take the same template, even when you translate them.

    We need to improve that. At the moment, the only option is to assign a template from a particular language to a product in each translation.

    I have done it on this product:

    I opened each translation of this product, edited it, and assigned the template in the product options.

    Sorry for the obstacles. We will try to get to the solution as soon as possible.

    Best regards

  • Ok, thank you. :-)

  • Hi there,

    Do we have any news about it?

    The same thing happens to me: I have a template for a single product for a category and I wanted to translate the template for the same translated category and the template is totally corrupted.

    I've done the solution you mentioned a few months ago (I've created two different templates instead of translating it, is that right?) but the truth is that it's a bit tedious to have to go product by product.


  • Hi @gnorimaki,

    There was an update introducing support for templates with WPML.

    Do you have the newest version?

    If yes, the template translation should work without any problems. First, however, you need to open the translated template and click the save button so that the conditions will assign to the language.

    Best regards

  • edited October 2022


    Yes, I have everything to the latest version.

    WC: 6.9.4

    WP: 6.0.2


    I will tell you about the processes that I have carried out and what happened to me (before having to create two different templates, not translated, and follow the steps that you mentioned earlier in the ticket):

    1) I have a category of products "eventos" (in Spanish ES) that I have translated into Catalan (CA) as "esdeveniments"

    2) I created the template with the ES language and assigned it to be displayed to all products in the "eventos" category (ES).

    3) I took the template and edited it (with the normal WP editor) and did an independent duplication with wPML (from the sidebar as I always do with other pages and such).

    4) I edit the template (already with bebuilder) and make a few modifications of static texts).

    5) When saving this template (already in CA and assigning it the category of products in CA ("esdeveniments")) what it really does is assign it to the category of products in Catalan, but if you go to the front in Spanish the template stops being seen previously created in español (the one that was already created in point 2). It's as if it deleted the template in Spanish (very strange, really).

    I have done it several times even creating first in CA and then in ES and the same. I have also tried, once the template is saved in CA, return to the template in ES and save again (because it really does save the template schema) and in this case it does the opposite, it overwrites the ES and in CA it shows the content Woocommerce default.

    As a note, say that when the template has been created in ES, in the list of templates it appears as if it is assigned to the category of products in ES ("eventos"), but if you change the language to see the lists of the templates of product in CA, this assignment in the list (filters assigned marked in green) continues to mark the category in ES ("eventos") instead of the one translated in CA ("esdeveniments").

    I hope I have explained myself well and you can do the relevant tests.

    As I mentioned, right now the site is in production and I had to do the solution you mentioned a few months ago. If you would like to have access to the project to do tests, it should be before Thursday the 13th since we will promote the product that we have published right now.


  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • I have switched to draft the Catalan version of the template and added a translation to the Spanish one.

    To this translation, I have added content copied from your CA template and assigned it to all products. I also assigned the Spanish template to all products (the conditions work in the language where you assign them), and everything seem to work fine.

    Can you check that, please?

    Also, there is a bug in the newest version with assigning the templates to categories, but it will be resolved in the upcoming update.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    It's ok, but in the Catalan version of the product the subheader is visible and I don't want it to be shown.

    Can I do it myself entering the translation of the template in Catalan? Is it ok to do it from there?

    If so, I do it myself without problems, but I would like to have your confirmation.

    Thank you.

  • Ok it's solved now. I modified it in the "translation" template you created.

    So, we wait for the update to be able to create more templates, right? Since another type of product will require other templates.

    Thanks for everything

  • I have put a fix into your parent theme, so it should work correctly for you.

    Please, check that.

    This fix will also be included in the next update, so you can update your theme without any worries.


  • Hello,

    I don't quite understand what you mean by "fix".

    The only thing I commented on was that the subheader was visible and the only thing I did yesterday was enter the template translation and deactivate it.

    Do you mean "fix" to any of this or something else? That's what I don't understand, sorry.

    Thank you

  • I meant the fix for assigning the templates to categories, so you can continue creating new templates for new types of products.

    Best regards

  • Oh, okay!

    Now you could create templates for each product category and it will be correctly assigned to the language of the translated category?

    (which would mean that the existing bug is corrected for me but that you will implement this in the next update at a global level)

    Is that so?


  • I did not want to interfere too much with your website by adding new templates, products, or categories, but everything should work correctly.

    Do you want me to test that, or you will check if everything is okay?

    And yes, it is corrected for you, and it will be implemented globally with the next update.

    Best regards

  • You can make the verifications you need but it would have to be from next Sunday (the 16th) since the current product is going to be sold until Saturday. On Sunday or Monday, if you don't work on Sunday, you can do the tests you need to verify that everything works correctly to be able to implement it for all users. If you prefer of course.

    Thank you.

  • edited October 2022

    I have done the tests, and it is working partially.

    As you can check, the templates for Catalan are not assigned correctly, but for Spanish, all three are correct.

    To check that problem, I would need you to send us the FTP access, but we will not be able to resolve that before Sunday, the 16th.

    Best regards

  • I am pending to have the FTP account. When I have it, I'll send it to you privately or where do you prefer me to send it to you?

    All the best.

  • Please, send it privately through the contact form.


  • It's already sent.

    You will see that there are 2 new products in the "eventos" category and their translation, but you can debug without any problem since for these products we do not expect much traffic

  • There is a new version of Betheme.

    Can you, or can we update it?


  • I have already updated to version 26.5.1.

    You can continue with the tests :)

    Thank you!

    PS: I take this opportunity to ask you a question: do you recommend that I update the WC to version 7 or better, wait a few days or weeks?

  • I have updated WC on my website, and I did not encounter any problems.

    Moreover, I did not notice any discussions lately complaining about incompatibility with WooCommerce, so you can update it to the newest version. ?

    Best regards

  • For now I'll wait even if it's a few days (just in case). Thanks for the info :)

    On the other hand, how is the verification of the templates? Are you still in it? Is it finished when doing the BT update?... N

    I don't know if I have to wait for you to continue doing tests (if you are at it) or I can work freely because everything is already resolved.

    I also don't know what to do with the products you created, etc...

    More than anything to know the situation :)

    Thank you!

  • We keep investigating it.

    I will let you know as soon as we fix it and the templates will assign to the correct categories.

    Best regards

  • No problem :)

    I look forward to your news.

  • We finally manage to solve these problems, and the templates are working as they should.

    Sorry, that it took some time.

    Now, when you create a template and translate it, you only need to open the translation (of the template) and save it, so conditions will assign to the correct language and category.

    Best regards

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