I would use this plugin AFTER I installed database on new server and imported the db i locally exported before and after I uploaded all the wordpress folders via FTP and AFTER I imported all the wordpress content I did export from dashboard... right? thx for explaining briefly... ;-)
@lapries Wow, this is really weird. We got this tool activated on hundreds of sites and we did never met with anything similar. But thanks for your explanation in case if someone will have similar issue.
I now have a repo with my latest fix that DOES NOT touch any BeTheme core files. Simply add this to your child theme and all future uses of any BeTheme upload field will store relative paths vs absolute paths, very useful for theme developers as many of the common database export tools will not attempt to change betheme stored urls.
pingram3541- I've been using your manual code and it works great! Thanks so much. Can you recommend how I would 'reverse' the manual code approach to install the plugin?
I´ve just donwloaded the Muffin Content Builder Migrate Tool 3.0 and simply did not work for me. It says, All done have fun, but when I checked the URLs still pointing to the dev server.
@marketingdeconversao Is your theme and WP latest versions as well? If yes, please send us private message with dashboard access then and we will check what you did wrong.
This has now gon live and I want ALL instances on this site to change to exclude (www115.jnb2.host-h.net) I also want the site to be prefixed with www. The site needs to be www.westech.co.za. Who can assist in how to do this. When I try to manually update the Wordpress URL or the Website URL in php or when logged into the wordpress site, it gives me errors.
@DNALifestyle All you need to do is just put old url into 1st field (it's the url that should be replaced) and into 2nd field, you need to put the new url that should replace the old one. So if you want to replace your current address, into 1st field you should put:
Since Betheme 12.6, we see "Added: Muffin Builder 3 - Data Storage select (serialized or encoded)". Does it mean that we don't need anymore this tool ?
Have had to use this for some sites before (unfortunately) and it worked ok. Just tried using it for a new site and it WIPED OUT the home page content and the contact page content entirely!!! This is with BeTheme 14.4 with the BeDecor demo (http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/decor/)... pretty much a fresh install with the demo data so should be easy to recreate. We use WP Migrate DB then have to use the Muffin Migrate tool to take care of urls in muffin builder. Why are you encoding the data in the first place! Very frustrating.
arggh! This tool has just wiped my muffin content!! In the database the post table is empty against each page that uses the builder. any chance of a fix as its cost me a lot of time!
Ran this tool many times before without issue, this time all the builder content got wiped. Im sure you'll tell me that it doesn't do that, but I assure you with latest version of WP DONT RUN the tool!
im sure it did, but I can absolutely confirm the tool wiped all the muffin builder content. I can see in the forums I'm not the only person this has happened too!
@scifimodels But we can not be responsible for what you do. How can we know if for example extra plugin wasn't the reason, connection or something completely else? If you want to get back the content, you should contact with your admin and ask him for backups because we are sure that the tools works fine and because something like that happened to few people only on over 45000 customers, it means this has nothing to theme itself. If this would be something theme related, we would notice thousands of requests related.
It did the same thing to us yesterday. It's a brand new site with only revslider, wp sync db, and visual composer activated. Using betheme 14.4 with the child theme and the bedecor demo... so I think it's safe to say it's not a plugin conflict. I wouldn't be so sure that "the tool works fine" and so quick to dismiss the issue... pretty unprofessional. It's obviously a new bug popping up so please investigate and fix before more people have to deal with the headache.
@pfmedia So if the same thing happened to you, then maybe you can provide us more details privately like dashboard and FTP access. We are 100000% sure (we've been testing it hundreds of times the same as thousands of other customers) that it has nothing to plugin what we will proof. BTW Did you tried to do this without extra plugins active?
@scifimodels Of course you can send us same details and we will proof that it couldn't be nothing to theme.
right? thx for explaining briefly... ;-)
I needed to change some MB content on a page and it would not let me do anything...
I deactivated this plugin and then was able to edit the WP content again.
Just saying maybe someone runs into this problem and doesn´t know why. ;-)
Thanks so much @pingram3541!
but into second one:
@scifimodels Of course you can send us same details and we will proof that it couldn't be nothing to theme.