Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Create Horizontal Testimonial Shortcode layout (i.e., image on left, quote on right)

    • Redesign portfolio layout. 
    • Change Social Media share icons
    • Portfolio Slider Shortcode should have different layout options: Grid, Flat, etc)

  • Have the ability for a portfolio to choose to use a website screenshot for its featured image or an uploaded featured image. 

    You can make use of wordpress mshot:

    or a similar screenshot type thing. 
    You could then give user the option of controlling the width of the image using the ?w= parameter

  • 1) Add theme options to customizer.  Theme colors would be nice so you can preview what gets changed while viewing the site in the customizer preview but other options for convenience would be nice too.  I created one if you'd like a sample, I just didn't have the time to keep up with all of the changes since it spans across multiple dynamic file sets and each rule can apply to more than one element.  It is very thorough otherwise, if you'd like it as a base approach.

    2) Shortcake theme shortcodes, would be nice if some of the non-wrapping shortcodes had a simple gui like the muffin builder does.  Shortcake provides a rendered view in the content editor and the GUI to update all the proper attributes.  This would work great along with the Customize Posts front-end customizer tool.  Who knows, maybe when they finally support nested/wrapping shortcodes the entire grid and builder components can be built within the live customizer.  Things like partial refresh are making these more achievable than before.

    Still I think it would be easy to implement a reverse json decompile/recompile via the built in customizer tools and some snazzy js.  If needed, I can show you another plugin I wrote on how to get and update post meta from within the live customizer.  I'm using this now for a per page custom css/js live editor tool that I wrote.
  • Another thing I see often is the want to have deeper integration with custom post types and the muffin builder/page options (muffin meta =).  Maybe add an admin area that lists all registered custom post types of which to enable the builder and/or page options similar to how Visual Composer provides this.  Thanks.
  • I think this is very important on the next update for the OFFER SLIDER THUMB shortcode.

    The pictures on the bottom navigation bar are showing on desktop view but not on mobile. Not only are they missing but they are replaces with dots and also create a horrible white space on mobile. Please make them visible on mobile.
  • edited May 2016
    Please wrap theme functions in "if not exists" type conditionals so we can rewrite and further customize theme functions for our needs =)

    i.e. I had a need to modify meta-page.php but had to edit the parent theme core files to do this. I needed to have muffin page options for some custom posts, in my case my client needed a "market_segments" cpt so I created a template by copying page.php to single-market_segments.php and modified /functions/meta-page.php:

     * L54 from: 'page' => 'page',
     * L54 to: 'page' => array( 'page', 'market_segments' ),
     * L303 from: if ( (key_exists('post_type', $_POST)) && ('page' == $_POST['post_type']) ) {
     * L303 to: if ( (key_exists('post_type', $_POST)) && (('page' || 'market_segments') == $_POST['post_type']) ) {

    The first allows the muffin page/builder options to be present in the edit post of my cpt and the second allows the saving to post meta =)
  • Custom bullet lists guys!!!!! 

    So basic, so important.  Many other theme designers do it by default.  This has been an outstanding customer request for Betheme for ages.  Do it and stop faffing about!!!!
  • @HBanayoti "Do it and stop faffing about!!!!" my favorite!
  • edited May 2016

    It would be awesome if you could add support for Sensei, the online course plugin from Woo Themes. Currently, course formatting looks terrible in BeTheme. You can find out more here:


  • The theme have a lot of different styles for the header.

    It would be awesome with the footer & not just the line with the copyright

  • Id like to be able to have a differente layout per page. For example, trasnparent header por home page and normal for blog page. I cant change it because the header uses an id selector and thus I cant use the page-id technique. 

    It would be a plus to have such options for the content too...

  • would be great to have a bigger and uniform set of icons  
  • also font weight and line-height for headings and content in the theme options
  • I hope countdown available in standard mode (not full width)
  • one thing that I think is useful, is the ability to add telegram and whatsapp as social sharing, many customers are asking me
  • It maybe one of the biggest feature that most "Elite" themes are missing: Custom Post Types Builder.

    Not taking away the awesome job and valuable time you guys put into Be. However, there are so many great features that we as customers have to spend days to find. And, when we do find a plugin, it is not sitting right with Be because of specific styling and column placement in Be itself. For some of us who just want to deal away (or simply don't know much about coding) then that makes it increasingly difficult to implement a Custom Types plugin because there's always some coding to do in the single and pages of the template. As last resort we have to fork hundreds of dollars to get customization work done for us. Bummer!

    With a Custom Post Types Builder containing the common fields... text box, text area, image, link, Features Image, etc... You'd give us the best leverage to further customize our pages far beyond any other theme developer is currently doing. 

    Whether it is to build a Restaurant menu, a car dealer listing, a review page for movies/videos and anything else, you'd really make Be "LIMITLESS" for us.

    Thanks for your consideration!
  • It be nice if we have more shopping options for themes and products layouts.
  • Hi,strongly recommend to add onclick to each click function!Now I have to pay others to add the function
  • Integration with YOAST will be great for SEO content and hide WordPress Content at Options Theme help users do not mistakes when try edit content.


    ICONS implementation

  • More Custom Post Types in Muffin builder

    This is the single thing that I keep looking for in your latest updates, and it hasn't been added so far, I am not sure if only few people are asking about it or its very difficulty for you guys, but I find the few custom post types that theme comes with isn't enough. please add more types because it looks boring to the eye to have the same post types in every page.
  • And let me add before I forgot, I like the related posts look but its good to have the big picture blasting to readers eyes, but I think it would be better if there was couple varieties in the related post types, for example, a type which the picture is small circular, a type which does not have read more a picture only the title, and one which has picture, title and excerpts
  • Customize options for mobile nav icon/menu
  • edited June 2016
    Customizer options is still very high on my list.  Most of the BeTheme options shouldn't be too hard, especially fonts and colors can use the new partial refresh feature and give us immediate feedback visually of what each setting specifically does for the look and feel of the site.  Changing header types and making menu style changes, logo changes, all of these would be excellent if it could be done live via the built-in customizer.  I have working prototypes so please email me.

    Additionally, I'd love if you converted the backend muffin builder into the front end customizer as well.  I also have a working build on how to pass the post-meta via customizer and I think your javascript can be reversed to pass json via ajax on front end and re-encode base64.  It'd be much easier to have an overlay that shows the same looking builder on the back end above the customizer preview and avoid all those problems other front-end builders run into trying to integrate directly into the DOM.  We just want to change the "data" and let the customizer do all the work for the preview.  This would also be less work because you can repurpose the existing back end builder code.  The wp customizer is very powerful now in wp 4.5.3.
  • More performance with CSS and Js to using conditional tags according page or content type and use sass or something that when we use dinymic layout and colors.

    Integrate better bootstrap CSS because when we read the source code it's like a junk all things loaded not be used in all pages or contents.
  • Importing single sites of your beTheme templates. e.g. importing a woocommerce template into an existing page without affecting/crashing the existing look.
  • edited July 2016
    1) Option to disable page sidebars when viewing landscape tablet maybe even a option to display at bottom rather than side of page like on phone.

    2) Better Yoast Integration support instead of built in maybe remove all SEO fields if installed.

    3) Option to enable white label within theme options rather than having to edit the functions.php file every time.

    4) Better events calendar (Modern Tribe) styling

    5) Better performance especially when trying to load page editor takes ages to load!

    Just a few ideas to make this theme even better!
  • Add icon of Whatsapp
  • I need more than two custom fonts :-)
  • Betheme Options > Social

    1) Add yelp icon w/ link
    2) Add user definable custom icon/link, i.e. click "Add" button as many times as needed and opens an icon selection box as well as input for the link
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