Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • I've scoured the theme to make sure this wasn't already available, but how about being able to set a custom character limit for each blog post's excerpt?
  • Muffin builder "visual editor" element really needs ability to resize within the page edit screen, please! Otherwise all I can do is put a few lines on it, then have to copy and paste and edit my text within the wordpress default text editor, then re-copy and re-past and put into the muffin builder visual editor. Thank you.
  • I will second ericaeide!

    The visual editor is so small it is really hard to use on my 30" monitor at 2560 X 1600 not to mention a 4K version I am waiting for. Please make it resizable and able to set a larger size as a default.

    The same for custom CSS window and similar fields. On my last site I used 1500 lines of custom CSS and I can't imagine how hard it is to do it here.

    Please do not take it as nagging, these are practical difficulties that are real.
  • Thank you. I will try that.
  • REMOVE THE SUBHEADER or give an option in the betheme options panel to disable and/or REMOVE COMPLETELY the subheader. Really the only issue i have and best suggestions. I tried the css hotfix but it still loads the image, making my site a little slower.

    Also, being able to export the page i build would be nice. I hate having to go in and add sections then elements and short-codes. I wish i could take that drag and drop feature and just export to another rather than manually going in a creating page by page.
  • @guitarsuperman We added this option with one of last updates and it is available in Theme options > Layout > Header section.
  • Ability to upload any icon for content instead of just selecting from what is there would be cool :)
  • Have a muffin builder for the header/nav sections would be nice... Like building custom layouts but building custom headers to section off and ad any content in them with muffin builder..

    Same with footer.... like 2/3 1/3      etc...
    Could add sections just like page content so could get creative with the footer area different background etc..

  • It would be definitely nice to let visual composer columns have fullscreen background images / color. For now it's only as wide as the content.
  • focus points with pure css would be great.  
  • Hi,

    great theme, but it would definetely be helpful to have:

    1) A function within the theme to call an individual menu at any part of the single site (not a sidebar or anything like that...)

    2) An Option to order blog items ascending/descending by date (really urgent matter...)

  • I just found out that if i view the source code of the blog page of my site, it shows all authors even the admin who doesn't wrote any blog entry. This is a big security danger. Is there any workaround?
  • edited December 2014
    I suggest to create custom page Template with visual editor. For an instance I would like to create custom "Under construction" page and I am not crazy good at writing code
  • To all who are really trying to do BeTheme as the best Theme ever:
    I am so thankfull that you realise my suggestion and include custom "Under Construction" and "Error" Page. Perfect. Thank you all again. I am sure this is huge improvement. Thanks
  • 1. MENU AREA MARGIN -- lets face it no one is going to have the same size logo that you use and adjusting margin is a pain in css coz changing regular header also affects sticky header

    2. SLIDER COL WIDTHS -- Right now all the sliders are full width in muffin would be great if we can resize the col size according our needs...u can restrict the col type but the least we need 1/2 size

    3. VC elements -- Few elements are still missing in VC like testimonial slider etc please add them
  • It would be very helpfull, if inside the Muffin Builder under the "Add Item" section every Item selection has is own icon beside (similar to Visual Composer). This will help to be much faster.  
  • I'd love to see a portfolio post slider just like the blog post slider (, which includes the name of the portfolio item and selectable meta to include like date, and "like" count, customize button, etc. Thanks!
  • WHMCS compatible vi betheme :)
  • Use in Theme options and in Muffin builder relative paths/links.
    Logo link
    Favicon link
    Background Image (in Page Options / Item Edit)
  • edited December 2014
    Adding a “WHITE LABEL” features to customize the WordPress login, Addons home, and much more. In this way we could create a branded experience for our clients or company with White Label :)
  • Hi,

    i think its good to have more menu skin/styling alternatives, examples:

    1. left menu - logo - right menu in same row
    2. side panel menu with transparent background
    3. tab / folder type menu bar
    4. more menu bar skins, etc..

    i think it will create huge differences..thanks =)
  • I think adding a CSS Builder from other provided examples would be huge. You would be able to mix and match different items from different themes. 

    As an example, you could take the headers from one example, and the blog style from another. 

  • Hi, 

    I want chose the authors that we see on the "filter by" for the blog. 

    Can you remove authors who don't write a post in the blog ? Or chose the authors who can see on the "filter by" for the blog ? 

    Thank you, 
  • Be is the best theme I've ever seen in terms of design and features. 

    My suggestions - These helps blog type users:
    1. If an Author Template is included (file named author.php - could be same code as current index.php but remove the top 2 sections for categories and filter) and provide an option to include the author bio (on top or bottom) in the theme options, it would be nice for blogs with multiple authors. 
    2. Change the title in subheading for day and month archives to full Date Formats (Like for Days Full Date, for months Month and Year) - In the method mfn_page_title in theme-functions.php - Or give an option to the user to choose the format
                    elseif( is_day() ){
    // Blog | Day ---------------------------------
    $title = get_the_time('F j, Y');
    } elseif( is_month() ){
    // Blog | Month -------------------------------
    $title = get_the_time('F Y');
  • Hi
    Can you add the Custom CSS on the blog site.
    Thank you very much.
  • Hello.

    Maybe an option putting the wpml section to top section.

  • Ability to translate the language files and save under child theme so they are overwritten at every update! :) (I have created a /languages folder in my child theme and the changes are not recognized so if this is already available, perhaps it isn't working?)
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