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- Emyr32
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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
you have sent me a css code before for making it hover over the hero photo in the website but when its mobile instead of 3 hovering photos its only one for more context you can login and check the home page hero (top) section and compare it with mob…
Hello, as in our conversation here https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/226323#Comment_226323 the hovering pictures are not working on mobile, they are stacked on each other.
we need the mobile menu to look like this https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/770/V2WJOZJGA5WS.png
open the mobile menu
Inside the mobile (hamburger) menu there should be a button on top of the menu and then social icons under
I already did and its still not showing
I have Added action button to mobile menu but its not showing and the banner for social media is also not showing please see for yourself P.S. i have already sent you the website login before privately
did it but nothing changed
How to add a button on top of menu and social icons to mobile menu like in here https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/recipes3/ ?
please add the ability to add buttons and social media icons to mobile menu and the ability to further customise it
Now it's working perfectly
phil I have resent the website link and login credentials again just now (i don't want to post the website link and anything related to it here in the forum i have already posted on suggestion that you should add a hidden field to posts so that it m…
Please add the ability to change wordpress admin colors and customize it from BeCustom
1- update google font list 2- add a checkbox in background to apply gradient over background picture 3- more element modules like forms and blurbs 4- more customizations in advanced like transitions
please check the site using the login credentials privately since i enabled maintenance mode because the site is being viewed while its still under dev
not all font awesome icons are available with iconmoon, so i want directly use font awesome 4 (through there plugin) and as i said it was working for a while but then it stopped
I have sent the access details
since svg is not working i have found a work around using font awesome icons, there a lot of icons in font awesome but only a few are in the theme so i have added font awesome plugin and added a few icons they worked for the first few minutes then t…
also i am using this css to change svg color on hover but it isn't working as it should #svgicon:hover { fill: red; }
I have set it stick please check the page and scroll down
now i have disabled sticky and it has a gap between the first paragraph and the second and if is set it as sticky it creates a gap above the list and the rest of the list is under view always i would prefer for it to be sticky
that was when i set the side list to be sticky
I have disabled maintenance mode
and also how to make svg change color on hover in sectors page
ok, and since i have already provided you with the website in email please check this discussion about the side menu https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/225779#Comment_225779
I have sent the message yesterday and waiting for your reply
well i don't want to post my website on forums (you should add a hidden section like xteemos support)
I have always added the above script to change admin to any wp theme and i haven't faced any issues with any of them until now all i am doing is adding the script to change admin color and the error that is preventing that from happening is coming f…
Update, the issue is only with footer and header pages do work
also i am trying to add the alexandria google font but I cannot find it in the font list