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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Morning Pablo, I sent details through to support yesterday and have yet to hear anything back, or get a solution to my problem. Can you please chase this up for me as it is taking a long time now just to be able to update my site and get on with th…
  • Hi Pablo, Thanks for this, what information is it you’d like me to send through to your support team? Regards,
  • Hi Pablo, I don't belive this to be the case, I only have Be installed on two sites and those both have their own purchase code as can be seen here: https://ibb.co/tJpX5fW The site highlighted in red is the site I am having the trouble updating. K…
  • Thanks for the response, so there is no way to do this with VC? is there anyway other than having to rebuild the whole page of converting this layout into the muffin builder to achieve this effect? Regards,
  • Please ignore the above, I have now fixed the issue. I hadn't put a # in front of the colour I wanted for text.
  • Hi There, I am having a similar problem, I have changed the colour of the info box in the shortcode section of the theme options. For some reason the text is still white which means I cannot see it. I have tried copying the code above in the custom…
  • Hi there, Thanks for having a look at this for me, thats not a problem I shall leave the styling options as standard, the custom ones were just a bonus anyway. Regards, Chris 
  • Hi there, Yeah works perfectly in muffin builder.  Please see attached link to the page with both maps, top is the muffin builder map and the bottom is the VC map. Both have exactly the same settings http://sawcery.com/dev/index.php/contact-us/ …
  • Hey Guys, I have just downloaded the newest update and see the new options in the Map Element within Visual Composer, unfortunately I can't seem to get the style box to work. I have copied the text directly from the Muffin Map element to ensure it …
  • Thanks for the quick response and look forward to these features being added if possible.
  • Thanks for that, I think I had put some HTML in there that had broken it, when I went back and made the item again it seems to have worked. When using the Map element in Visual Composer there isn't as many options as there is in the Muffin Editor, i…